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to keep one's hand over one's eyes - English → Magyar
to keep one's hand over sy's eyes - English → Magyar
to tip one's hat over one's eyes - English → Magyar
to keep a tight hand over sy - English → Magyar
hand over hand - English → Magyar
doing hand over hand - English → Magyar
to swim hand over hand - English → Magyar
to keep the eyes peeled - English → Magyar
keep your eyes to the front - English → Magyar
to keep one's hand in - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputations of one hand and other arm [ any level - except hand ] - English → Magyar
with his hat over his eyes - English → Magyar
to pull wool over sy's eyes - English → Magyar
eyes brimming over with tears - English → Magyar
to keep one's wits about one - English → Magyar
to keep sy well in hand - English → Magyar
to keep a slack hand on sg - English → Magyar
we must keep the upper hand - English → Magyar
to keep a tight hand on the reins - English → Magyar
to keep a tight hold over sy - English → Magyar
to keep a tight rein over sy - English → Magyar
to keep a close watch over sy - English → Magyar
you will keep what is left over - English → Magyar
to dry one's eyes - English → Magyar
to fall one's eyes - English → Magyar
to pipe one's eyes - English → Magyar
to cover one's eyes - English → Magyar
to avert one's eyes - English → Magyar
to catch one's eyes - English → Magyar
to set one's eyes on - English → Magyar
to goggle one's eyes - English → Magyar
to clap one's eyes on - English → Magyar
under one's very eyes - English → Magyar
to knuckle one's eyes - English → Magyar
have one's eyes on sy - English → Magyar
to weep one's eyes out - English → Magyar
one's eyes are running - English → Magyar
to pore one's eyes out - English → Magyar
before one's very eyes - English → Magyar
to shut one's eyes to sg - English → Magyar
to glut one's eyes on sg - English → Magyar
to close one's eyes to sg - English → Magyar
to rivet one's eyes on sy - English → Magyar
to fasten one's eyes on sg - English → Magyar
have the sun in one's eyes - English → Magyar
to devour sy with one's eyes - English → Magyar
have a mist before one's eyes - English → Magyar
have shadows round one's eyes - English → Magyar
have shadows under one's eyes - English → Magyar
to bring the water on one's eyes - English → Magyar
have dark shadows round one's eyes - English → Magyar
have dark shadows under one's eyes - English → Magyar
have one's hand in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to put one's hand in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to cup one's hand behind one's ear - English → Magyar
with one's chin cupped in one's hand - English → Magyar
hand in hand - English → Magyar
hand-to-hand - English → Magyar
from hand to hand - English → Magyar
to fight hand to hand - English → Magyar
to go hand in hand with sg - English → Magyar
to pass sg from hand to hand - English → Magyar
to tread one's shoes over on one side - English → Magyar
hand over - English → Magyar
to hand over - English → Magyar
hand over fist - English → Magyar
hand over head - English → Magyar
to make money hand over fist - English → Magyar
over and over - English → Magyar
over and over again - English → Magyar
to turn sg over and over - English → Magyar
to keep one's bed - English → Magyar
to keep one's day - English → Magyar
to earn one's keep - English → Magyar
to keep one's seat - English → Magyar
to keep one's head - English → Magyar
to keep one's word - English → Magyar
to keep one's legs - English → Magyar
to keep one's place - English → Magyar
to keep one's end up - English → Magyar
to keep one's ground - English → Magyar
to keep one's hat on - English → Magyar
to keep one's course - English → Magyar
to keep one's balance - English → Magyar
to keep one's hair on - English → Magyar
to keep one's tail up - English → Magyar
to keep one's standing - English → Magyar
to keep one's distance - English → Magyar
to keep one's ears open - English → Magyar
to keep one's pecker up - English → Magyar
to keep sg on one's mind - English → Magyar
to keep up one's spirits - English → Magyar
to keep one's mind on sg - English → Magyar
to keep one's powder dry - English → Magyar
to keep one's mouth shut - English → Magyar
to keep one's own counsel - English → Magyar
to keep one's countenance - English → Magyar
to keep one's mind occupied - English → Magyar
to keep a tongue in one's head - English → Magyar
to keep one's head above water - English → Magyar
to keep one's feelings in check - English → Magyar
to keep a watch on one's tongue - English → Magyar
to keep information under one's hat - English → Magyar
to keep a civil tongue in one's head - English → Magyar
to keep one's nose to the grindstone - English → Magyar
to keep a still tongue in one's head - English → Magyar
to be scarcely able to keep one's head above water - English → Magyar
eyes - English → Magyar
red eyes - English → Magyar
dry eyes - English → Magyar
small eyes - English → Magyar
cat's eyes - English → Magyar
starry eyes - English → Magyar
watery eyes - English → Magyar
gimlet eyes - English → Magyar
eyes front! - English → Magyar
rheumy eyes - English → Magyar
be all eyes - English → Magyar
ferret eyes - English → Magyar
liquid eyes - English → Magyar
eyes right! - English → Magyar
hollow eyes - English → Magyar
staring eyes - English → Magyar
flowing eyes - English → Magyar
crossed eyes - English → Magyar
raccoon eyes - English → Magyar
raccoon eyes - English → értelmezés
bulging eyes - English → Magyar
tattooed eyes - English → Magyar
blooshot eyes - English → keresési javaslat
bats her eyes - English → Magyar
downcast eyes - English → Magyar
her eyes fell - English → Magyar
before my eyes - English → Magyar
up to the eyes - English → Magyar
hooks and eyes - English → Magyar
bloodshot eyes - English → Magyar
irritated eyes - English → Magyar
red-rimmed eyes - English → Magyar
protruding eyes - English → Magyar
to bat the eyes - English → Magyar
half lidded eyes - English → Magyar
with longing eyes - English → Magyar
she has brown eyes - English → Magyar
have slits of eyes - English → Magyar
with uplifted eyes - English → Magyar
to close sy's eyes - English → Magyar
to cover sy's eyes - English → Magyar
to make eyes at sy - English → Magyar
both eyes are open - English → Magyar
to strain the eyes - English → Magyar
sight for sore eyes - English → Magyar
before my very eyes - English → Magyar
with my proper eyes - English → Magyar
under our very eyes - English → Magyar
bags under the eyes - English → Magyar
to put out sy's eyes - English → Magyar
haunted looking eyes - English → Magyar
my eyes are stinging - English → Magyar
eyes moist with tears - English → Magyar
his eyes lightened up - English → Magyar
to peck out sy's eyes - English → Magyar
have eyes like a hawk - English → Magyar
Bilindness - both eyes - English → Magyar
to mingle eyes with sy - English → Magyar
she has got brown eyes - English → Magyar
Low vision - both eyes - English → Magyar
tears brimmed her eyes - English → Magyar
to be bad for the eyes - English → Magyar
to gouge out sy's eyes - English → Magyar
his eyes never left her - English → Magyar
with my own proper eyes - English → Magyar
tears stood in her eyes - English → Magyar
to give sy the glad eyes - English → Magyar
tears sprang to her eyes - English → Magyar
eyes brimming with tears - English → Magyar
looking into angels eyes - English → Magyar
her eyes played her false - English → Magyar
eyes that swim with tears - English → Magyar
to cast sheep's eyes at sy - English → Magyar
to be up to the eyes in sg - English → Magyar
to make sheep's eyes at sy - English → Magyar
to find favour in sy's eyes - English → Magyar
all eyes were focused on him - English → Magyar
the scales fell from his eyes - English → Magyar
he cannot take his eyes off sg - English → Magyar
everything swam before my eyes - English → Magyar
to cast a mist before sy's eyes - English → Magyar
to give each other the glad eyes - English → Magyar
to close sy's eyes as a last duty - English → Magyar
Unqualified visual loss - both eyes - English → Magyar
her eyes filled with blinding tears - English → Magyar
his eyes were popping out of his head - English → Magyar
head, eyes, ears, nose, throat (HEENT) - Magyar → szinonima
on the one hand - English → Magyar
to cup one's hand - English → Magyar
to show one's hand - English → Magyar
to hold one's hand - English → Magyar
to wave one's hand - English → Magyar
to raise one's hand - English → Magyar
to offer one's hand - English → Magyar
under one's own hand - English → Magyar
to give sy one's hand - English → Magyar
to declare one's hand - English → Magyar
to lay down one's hand - English → Magyar
to hand in one's check - English → Magyar
to throw in one's hand - English → Magyar
to be under one's hand - English → Magyar
to try one's hand at sg - English → Magyar
to get one's hand in sg - English → Magyar
to get sg off one's hand - English → Magyar
to give one's hand on sg - English → Magyar
to kiss one's hand to sy - English → Magyar
to die by one's own hand - English → Magyar
with a wave of one's hand - English → Magyar
to bestow one's hand on sy - English → Magyar
to stretch forth one's hand - English → Magyar
have one's hand in the till - English → Magyar
to fight for one's own hand - English → Magyar
to set one's hand to a deed - English → Magyar
to lift one's hand against sy - English → Magyar
to turn one's hand to doing sg - English → Magyar
to put one's hand to the plough - English → Magyar
to lay one's hand on sy's shoulder - English → Magyar
to swing by one hand from a branch - English → Magyar
have sy in the hollow of one's hand - English → Magyar
to put down one's hand on the table - English → Magyar
to reach out with one's hand for sg - English → Magyar
to hold sy in the palm of one's hand - English → Magyar
in over one's head - English → Magyar
that one over there - English → Magyar
to get over one's losses - English → Magyar
to run one's eye over sg - English → Magyar
to stoop over one's books - English → Magyar
to get over one's shyness - English → Magyar
to cast one's eye over sg - English → Magyar
to lose one's hold over sg - English → Magyar
to get over one's surprise - English → Magyar
over one's ankles in water - English → Magyar
to take one's time over sg - English → Magyar
to hold sway over one's heart - English → Magyar
he has had one over the eight - English → Magyar
to go to sleep over one's work - English → Magyar
to get over one's difficulties - English → Magyar
to run over one's fingers on sg - English → Magyar
to put it all over one's opponent - English → Magyar
more than over one's shoes in love - English → Magyar
to turn an idea over in one's mind - English → Magyar
to turn a question over in one's mind - English → Magyar
five into eleven goes twice and one over - English → Magyar
keep - English → Magyar
keep up - Čeština → keresési javaslat
keep on - English → Magyar
to keep - English → Magyar
keep out - English → Magyar
keep off - English → keresési javaslat
will keep - English → Magyar
keep dark - English → Magyar
keep step - English → Magyar
keep pace - English → keresési javaslat
keep call - English → keresési javaslat
keep away - English → Magyar
keep time - English → Magyar
keep under - English → Magyar
to keep in - English → Magyar
to keep up - English → Magyar
keep alert - English → Magyar
keep still - English → Magyar
keep cool! - English → Magyar
to keep to - English → Magyar
keep watch - English → Magyar
keep track - Magyar → keresési javaslat
to keep at - English → Magyar
keep alive - English → Magyar
keep right - English → Magyar
keep vigil - English → Magyar
to keep on - English → Magyar
keep quiet - English → Magyar
to keep fit - English → Magyar
keep it up! - English → Magyar
to keep off - English → Magyar
keep quiet! - English → Magyar
keep silent - English → Magyar
to keep nit - English → Magyar
to keep out - English → Magyar
keep it dark - English → Magyar
to keep back - English → Magyar
to keep down - English → Magyar
keep moving! - English → Magyar
to keep time - English → Magyar
keep her to! - English → Magyar
to keep from - English → Magyar
keep contact - English → keresési javaslat
to keep good - English → Magyar
to keep away - English → Magyar
to keep pets - English → Magyar
to keep lent - English → Magyar
keep smiling - English → Magyar
horse's keep - English → Magyar
keep waiting - English → Magyar
to keep call - English → keresési javaslat
to keep cool - English → Magyar
to keep shop - English → Magyar
to keep vigil - English → Magyar
to keep house - English → Magyar
to keep quiet - English → Magyar
keep together - English → Magyar
keep tally on - English → Magyar
to keep aloof - English → Magyar
to keep, kept - English → Magyar
to keep still - English → Magyar
to keep order - English → Magyar
to keep at it - English → Magyar
to keep watch - English → Magyar
keep retching - English → Magyar
keep the goal - English → Magyar
to keep guard - English → Magyar
to keep a vow - English → Magyar
to keep alive - English → Magyar
to keep going - English → Magyar
to keep a pet - English → Magyar
to keep store - English → Magyar
to keep apart - English → Magyar
to keep under - English → Magyar
to keep afloat - English → Magyar
keep your cool - English → Magyar
keep vein open - English → Magyar
to keep a shop - English → Magyar
to keep stroke - English → Magyar
to keep at bay - English → Magyar
to keep on ice - English → Magyar
keep the change - English → Magyar
keep sg stuffed - English → Magyar
keep late hours - English → Magyar
to keep sy busy - English → Magyar
keep faith with - English → Magyar
to keep sy late - English → Magyar
to keep in check - English → Magyar
to keep together - English → Magyar
to keep in stock - English → Magyar
to keep sg quiet - English → Magyar
to keep sy under - English → Magyar
to keep the goal - English → Magyar
to keep up steam - English → Magyar
to keep sy at it - English → Magyar
to keep the cash - English → Magyar
to keep spouting - English → Magyar
to keep sg going - English → Magyar
to keep in touch - English → Magyar
to keep in shape - English → Magyar
to keep the time - English → Magyar
keep the change! - English → Magyar
keep to the left! - English → Magyar
to keep sy in bed - English → Magyar
keep straight on! - English → Magyar
to keep the house - English → Magyar
to keep good time - English → Magyar
keep your eye out - English → Magyar
To Keep Vein Open - English → Magyar
to keep a lookout - English → Magyar
to keep sy posted - English → Magyar
to keep the books - English → Magyar
to keep the peace - English → Magyar
to keep the ranks - English → Magyar
to keep the score - English → Magyar
to keep good hours - English → Magyar
keep to the right! - English → Magyar
to keep late hours - English → Magyar
to keep hold of sg - English → Magyar
to keep sg in mind - English → Magyar
to be in good keep - English → Magyar
to keep sy company - English → Magyar
to keep up with sg - English → Magyar
keep your chin up! - English → Magyar
to keep sy in play - English → Magyar
keep your hair on! - English → Magyar
to keep sy waiting - English → Magyar
to keep to oneself - English → Magyar
to keep in with sy - English → Magyar
to keep sg private - English → Magyar
to keep tabs on sg - English → Magyar
keep him in sight! - English → Magyar
to keep open house - English → Magyar
to keep count of sg - English → Magyar
to keep sy in money - English → Magyar
to keep on doing sg - English → Magyar
keep yourself easy! - English → Magyar
to keep tricking sy - English → Magyar
to keep sy guessing - English → Magyar
to keep sg in store - English → Magyar
to keep on spouting - English → Magyar
I keep repeating it - English → Magyar
to keep sg for luck - English → Magyar
to keep a stiff lip - English → Magyar
to keep sy informed - English → Magyar
to keep sy in sight - English → Magyar
to keep clear of sg - English → Magyar
keep out of my way! - English → Magyar
to keep the ball up - English → Magyar
keep off the grass! - English → Magyar
to keep track of sy - English → Magyar
keep your shirt on! - English → Magyar
to keep a cool head - English → Magyar
to keep to sy's bed - English → Magyar
to keep the fire in - English → Magyar
to keep sg together - English → Magyar
to keep pace with sy - English → Magyar
to keep mum about sg - English → Magyar
to keep step with sy - English → Magyar
to keep an eye on sy - English → Magyar
Keep it refrigerated - English → Magyar
keep it to yourself! - English → Magyar
to keep it to myself - English → Magyar
keep your head shut! - English → Magyar
to keep to the house - English → Magyar
to keep a stiff face - English → Magyar
to keep a good house - English → Magyar
to keep out of sight - English → Magyar
keep your pecker up! - English → Magyar
to keep ears stopped - English → Magyar
to keep a good table - English → Magyar
to be worth its keep - English → Magyar
to keep the accounts - English → Magyar
to keep good company - English → Magyar
to keep house for sy - English → Magyar
to keep in the shade - English → Magyar
to keep an open mind - English → Magyar
to keep oneself warm - English → Magyar
to keep within doors - English → Magyar
don't let me keep you - English → Magyar
to keep under control - English → Magyar
to keep abreast of sg - English → Magyar
keep up your courage! - English → Magyar
to keep within bounds - English → Magyar
to keep the odd money - English → Magyar
to keep a low profile - English → Magyar
to keep the fire warm - English → Magyar
to keep faith with sy - English → Magyar
to keep a check on sg - English → Magyar
to keep sy on the rack - English → Magyar
to keep sy on a string - English → Magyar
to keep sy in thraldom - English → Magyar
to keep up appearances - English → Magyar
keep your napper shut! - English → Magyar
to keep sg at a simmer - English → Magyar
to keep a strain on sg - English → Magyar
to keep sy on his toes - English → Magyar
to keep sy in suspense - English → Magyar
to keep sg in the cool - English → Magyar
to keep a record of sg - English → Magyar
to keep out of the way - English → Magyar
to keep tally of goods - English → Magyar
to keep bachelor's hall - English → Magyar
to keep the pot boiling - English → Magyar
to keep the land aboard - English → Magyar
to keep up a resolution - English → Magyar
to keep friends with sy - English → Magyar
to keep a straight face - English → Magyar
to keep the flag flying - English → Magyar
to keep after sy for sg - English → Magyar
to keep a good look out - English → Magyar
to keep the log rolling - English → Magyar
to keep out of sy's way - English → Magyar
to keep in line with sy - English → Magyar
to keep the better wind - English → Magyar
to keep company with sy - English → Magyar
to keep the ball rolling - English → Magyar
to keep sg on the simmer - English → Magyar
to keep on short rations - English → Magyar
to keep sy apart from sg - English → Magyar
to keep oneself occupied - English → Magyar
to keep sy within bounds - English → Magyar
to keep the enemy at bay - English → Magyar
to keep track of a matter - English → Magyar
to keep sy's memory green - English → Magyar
keep fucking that chicken - English → Magyar
to keep sy in countenance - English → Magyar
to keep sy in concealment - English → Magyar
to keep a stiff upper lip - English → Magyar
to keep cool and colleted - English → Magyar
to keep sy on tenterhooks - English → Magyar
please keep off the grass! - English → Magyar
to keep a slack rein on sg - English → Magyar
to keep a tight rein on sy - English → Magyar
to keep a tight hold on sy - English → Magyar
to keep sy out of mischief - English → Magyar
to keep oneself to oneself - English → Magyar
to keep sy at arm's length - English → Magyar
to keep the enemy in check - English → Magyar
to keep sy posted up in sg - English → Magyar
to keep the books of a firm - English → Magyar
to keep a close watch on sy - English → Magyar
to keep oneself above water - English → Magyar
to keep sy on short commons - English → Magyar
to keep sy out of his money - English → Magyar
to keep the sabbath day holy - English → Magyar
to keep sy up to the scratch - English → Magyar
to keep the enemy on the run - English → Magyar
to keep house together with sy - English → Magyar
to keep sg in proper condition - English → Magyar
to keep the whole table amused - English → Magyar
to keep oneself in countenance - English → Magyar
to keep the wolf from the door - English → Magyar
to keep body and soul together - English → Magyar
to keep a steady pull on a rope - English → Magyar
Keep it out of reach of children - English → Magyar
to set the fox to keep the geese - English → Magyar
keep a civil tongue in your head! - English → Magyar
keep a still tongue in your head! - English → Magyar
offer stimulation to keep occupied - English → Magyar
to keep sy's nose to the grindstone - English → Magyar
if you want to keep in the good books - English → Magyar
he doesn't know how to keep body and soul together - English → Magyar
one by one - English → Magyar
one-on-one - English → keresési javaslat
one on one - English → Magyar
one-to-one mapping - English → Magyar
one-one relationship - English → Magyar
to drop off one by one - English → Magyar
one-to-one relationship - English → Magyar
one's mind misgives one - English → Magyar
all for one - one for all - English → Magyar
one has sg at one's command - English → Magyar
to be in one of one's tantrums - English → Magyar
to slap one's hat on one's head - English → Magyar
have one's heart in one's boots - English → Magyar
to make one's living by one's pen - English → Magyar
to take one's life in one's hands - English → Magyar
one of one's main objects in life - English → Magyar
have one's labour for one's pains - English → Magyar
to slap one's hat onto one's head - English → Magyar
to will one's money to one's child - English → Magyar
to put one's pride in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to carry one's life in one's hands - English → Magyar
with one's tail between one's legs - English → Magyar
to dig one's spurs into one's horse - English → Magyar
to wear one's heart on one's sleeve - English → Magyar
the more one has the more one wants - English → Magyar
to dot one's i's and cross one's t's - English → Magyar
to stuff one's fingers in one's ears - English → Magyar
to take one's mind off one's problems - English → Magyar
to dare not call one's soul one's own - English → Magyar
to know a good book when one sees one - English → Magyar
to put one's feelings in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to rob one's belly to cover one's back - English → Magyar
to pull all one's eggs into one basket - English → Magyar
to feel one's legs give way beneath one - English → Magyar
to cut off one's noses to spite one's face - English → Magyar
better lose one's fortune than one's honour - English → Magyar
to accommodate one's pleasure to one's purse - English → Magyar
to accommodate one's words to one's audience - English → Magyar
have one's principles fixedly set before one - English → Magyar
to impress one's personality upon one's work - English → Magyar
to square one's practice with one's principles - English → Magyar
to compliment sy with one's tongue in one's cheek - English → Magyar
Hand - Svenska → Magyar
Hand - Deutsch → Magyar
hand - English → Magyar
hand - English → értelmezés
hand up - English → Magyar
hand to - English → Magyar
at hand - English → Magyar
by hand - English → Magyar
hand in - English → Magyar
on hand - English → Magyar
to hand - English → Magyar
in hand - English → Magyar
hand on - English → Magyar
hand-set - English → Magyar
hand out - English → Magyar
bow-hand - English → Magyar
new hand - English → Magyar
hand bag - English → Magyar
big hand - English → Magyar
off hand - English → Magyar
odd hand - English → Magyar
hand-bag - English → Magyar
raw hand - English → Magyar
hand-saw - English → Magyar
hand off - English → keresési javaslat
pat hand - English → Magyar
hand-gun - English → Magyar
old hand - English → Magyar
off-hand - English → Magyar
hand-out - English → Magyar
hand-tool - English → Magyar
back-hand - English → Magyar
hand cart - English → Magyar
claw hand - English → keresési javaslat
last hand - English → Magyar
hand lamp - English → Magyar
hand tool - English → Magyar
hour hand - English → Magyar
back hand - English → Magyar
hand-made - English → Magyar
hour-hand - English → Magyar
hand-hold - English → Magyar
read hand - English → Magyar
hand sink - English → keresési javaslat
hand rest - English → Magyar
full hand - English → Magyar
mill-hand - English → Magyar
farm-hand - English → Magyar
hand heel - English → keresési javaslat
left hand - English → Magyar
hand arms - English → Magyar
hand down - English → Magyar
dead hand - English → Magyar
Hand foot - Svenska → keresési javaslat
hand rail - English → keresési javaslat
hand-rail - English → Magyar
deck-hand - English → Magyar
hand pain - English → Magyar
left-hand - English → Magyar
hand pump - English → Magyar
taut hand - English → Magyar
numb hand - English → Magyar
lily hand - English → Magyar
third-hand - English → Magyar
right-hand - English → Magyar
clock hand - English → Magyar
hand atlas - English → Magyar
to hand in - English → Magyar
hand cuffs - English → keresési javaslat
to hand up - English → Magyar
right hand - English → Magyar
print hand - English → Magyar
hand bones - English → Magyar
hand crane - English → Magyar
hand shake - English → Magyar
clerk hand - English → Magyar
to hand on - English → Magyar
hand piece - English → keresési javaslat
hand-glass - English → Magyar
hand-guard - English → Magyar
hand round - English → Magyar
hand drill - English → Magyar
hand cream - English → Magyar
hand about - English → Magyar
round hand - English → Magyar
hand-organ - English → Magyar
hand width - English → keresési javaslat
hand oiler - English → Magyar
hand drive - English → Magyar
cramp hand - English → Magyar
hand brush - English → Magyar
stage-hand - English → Magyar
under-hand - English → keresési javaslat
put in hand - English → Magyar
hat in hand - English → Magyar
master hand - English → Magyar
hand of god - English → Magyar
casual hand - English → Magyar
second-hand - English → Magyar
hand tremor - English → keresési javaslat
bear a hand - English → Magyar
hand dynamo - English → Magyar
junior hand - English → Magyar
minute hand - English → Magyar
give a hand - English → Magyar
hand-gallop - English → Magyar
minute-hand - English → Magyar
lend a hand - English → Magyar
bloody hand - English → Magyar
clammy hand - English → Magyar
to hand out - English → Magyar
strong hand - English → Magyar
cap in hand - English → Magyar
second hand - English → Magyar
hand-picked - English → Magyar
out of hand - English → Magyar
hand of pork - English → Magyar
hand-me-down - English → értelmezés
surface hand - English → Magyar
come to hand - English → Magyar
hand durgery - English → keresési javaslat
factory hand - English → Magyar
cursive hand - English → Magyar
left on hand - English → Magyar
factory-hand - English → Magyar
hand picking - English → Magyar
hand laborer - English → Magyar
have in hand - English → Magyar
counter hand - English → Magyar
easy on hand - English → Magyar
section hand - English → Magyar
take my hand - English → Magyar
hand baggage - English → Magyar
to hand-pick - English → Magyar
four-in-hand - English → Magyar
made by hand - English → Magyar
hand luggage - English → Magyar
near at hand - English → Magyar
note of hand - English → Magyar
hand grenade - English → Magyar
hand surgeon - English → Magyar
hand-luggage - English → Magyar
hand-me-down - English → Magyar
cash in hand - English → Magyar
to hand down - English → Magyar
hand-grenade - English → Magyar
foundry hand - English → Magyar
sue for hand - English → Magyar
to hand back - English → Magyar
jobbing hand - English → Magyar
hand surgery - English → Magyar
just to hand - English → Magyar
work in hand - English → Magyar
running hand - English → Magyar
hand fitting - English → Magyar
stock in hand - English → Magyar
to be in hand - English → Magyar
my hand is in - English → Magyar
hand-to-mouth - English → Magyar
stock on hand - English → Magyar
bills in hand - English → Magyar
Hand Strength - English → Magyar
hand sweating - English → Magyar
prentice hand - English → Magyar
hand tremor  - English → Magyar
dominant hand - English → Magyar
hand-operated - English → Magyar
at first hand - English → Magyar
to hand round - English → Magyar
mount of hand - English → Magyar
to be at hand - English → Magyar
on every hand - English → Magyar
to hand about - English → Magyar
at third hand - English → Magyar
a steady hand - English → Magyar
goods on hand - English → Magyar
hand geometry - English → Magyar
right-hand man - English → Magyar
the other hand - English → keresési javaslat
to put in hand - English → Magyar
take a hand in - English → Magyar
matter in hand - English → Magyar
left-hand side - English → Magyar
left-hand page - English → Magyar
remain on hand - English → Magyar
left hand side - English → keresési javaslat
to bear a hand - English → Magyar
at second hand - English → Magyar
old hand at sg - English → Magyar
on either hand - English → Magyar
my hand is out - English → Magyar
to give a hand - English → Magyar
secretary hand - English → Magyar
hand contusion - English → Magyar
to lend a hand - English → Magyar
hand of tobacco - English → Magyar
laboratory hand - English → Magyar
to come to hand - English → Magyar
wash-hand stand - English → Magyar
sleight of hand - English → Magyar
sy's right hand - English → Magyar
right-hand page - English → Magyar
not lift a hand - English → Magyar
balance in hand - English → Magyar
hold your hand! - English → Magyar
to take in hand - English → Magyar
right-hand rule - English → Magyar
overplayed hand - English → Magyar
alteration hand - English → Magyar
hand of bananas - English → Magyar
be a great hand - English → Magyar
Bursitis of hand - English → Magyar
hand deformities - English → Magyar
supplies on hand - English → Magyar
give a free hand - English → Magyar
to win sy's hand - English → Magyar
on the left hand - English → Magyar
engine-room hand - English → Magyar
with a high hand - English → Magyar
right-hand glove - English → Magyar
to hand it to sy - English → Magyar
wave of the hand - English → Magyar
back of the hand - English → Magyar
be ready at hand - English → Magyar
right-hand screw - English → Magyar
have a free hand - English → Magyar
flat of the hand - English → Magyar
lead by the hand - English → Magyar
right-hand finish - English → Magyar
hand-loom weaving - English → Magyar
hand us the dope! - English → Magyar
dressmaker's hand - English → Magyar
riot hand grenade - English → Magyar
to give sy a hand - English → Magyar
have a hand in sg - English → Magyar
hand desinfection - English → Magyar
sweep second hand - English → Magyar
to be behind-hand - English → Magyar
to bear sy a hand - English → Magyar
on the other hand - English → Magyar
second hand smoke - English → Magyar
to take sy's hand - English → Magyar
to read sy's hand - English → Magyar
money out of hand - English → Magyar
lines of the hand - English → Magyar
Lobster-claw hand - English → Magyar
to lend sy a hand - English → Magyar
hollow of the hand - English → Magyar
with upraised hand - English → Magyar
from hand to mouth - English → Magyar
dorsum of the hand - English → Magyar
to get out of hand - English → Magyar
to hold a nap hand - English → Magyar
to force sy's hand - English → Magyar
hand-warmer pocket - English → Magyar
to take sg in hand - English → Magyar
to take pen in hand - English → Magyar
to be ready to hand - English → Magyar
with heart and hand - English → Magyar
to play a lone hand - English → Magyar
second-hand clothes - English → Magyar
they forced my hand - English → Magyar
to bring up by hand - English → Magyar
hand osteoarthritis - English → Magyar
to reach out a hand - English → Magyar
horse light in hand - English → Magyar
the hand-brake is on - English → Magyar
to sue for sy's hand - English → Magyar
current hand-writing - English → Magyar
right-hand air-screw - English → Magyar
top left-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
top left-hand corner - English → Magyar
not do a hand's turn - English → Magyar
fall on an open hand - English → Magyar
to get sy a big hand - English → Magyar
to hand on the torch - English → Magyar
to take a hand in sg - English → Magyar
to write a fair hand - English → Magyar
hand rolling tobacco - English → Magyar
first excuse to hand - English → Magyar
to do sg out of hand - English → Magyar
to ask for sy's hand - English → Magyar
help is ready at hand - English → Magyar
here's my hand on it! - English → Magyar
top right-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
not move hand or foot - English → Magyar
he writes a good hand - English → Magyar
into the doctors hand - English → Magyar
to write a clear hand - English → Magyar
to get the upper hand - English → Magyar
to drive four-in-hand - English → Magyar
first hand experience - English → Magyar
Dermatofytos på hand - Svenska → Magyar
hand-picked gathering - English → Magyar
top right-hand corner - English → Magyar
cold hand, warm heart - English → Magyar
to lend a helping hand - English → Magyar
to give sy a free hand - English → Magyar
under your hand a seal - English → Magyar
on the right-hand side - English → Magyar
to give sy a good hand - English → Magyar
first hand information - English → Magyar
to gain the upper hand - English → Magyar
to take sy by the hand - English → Magyar
second-hand bookseller - English → Magyar
second hand of a watch - English → Magyar
to want taking in hand - English → Magyar
to take the upper hand - English → Magyar
to lead sy by the hand - English → Magyar
bottom left-hand corner - English → Magyar
to hand down an opinion - English → Magyar
Immersion hand and foot - English → Magyar
work of a prentice hand - English → Magyar
to poise sg in the hand - English → Magyar
to eat out of sy's hand - English → Magyar
to act with a high hand - English → Magyar
bottom left-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
to feed a child by hand - English → Magyar
to be a good hand at sg - English → Magyar
to make sy show his hand - English → Magyar
to feed out of sy's hand - English → Magyar
bottom right-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
into the physicians hand - English → Magyar
to give sy the glad hand - English → Magyar
bottom right-hand corner - English → Magyar
chiasm of digits of hand - English → Magyar
to hold out a hand to sy - English → Magyar
chiasm of digits of hand - English → értelmezés
to rule with a firm hand - English → Magyar
to be a great hand at sg - English → Magyar
to send a letter by hand - English → Magyar
to be a master hand at sg - English → Magyar
i can't put my hand on it - English → Magyar
to serve sy hand and foot - English → Magyar
have the upper hand of sy - English → Magyar
to live from hand to mouth - English → Magyar
please hand me the scalpel - English → Magyar
to make a bonny hand of sg - English → Magyar
to hand sy the frozen mitt - English → Magyar
hand injury severity score - English → Magyar
he never does a hand's turn - English → Magyar
to bring up a child by hand - English → Magyar
to get the upper hand of sy - English → Magyar
to wait on sy hand and foot - English → Magyar
bare as the back of my hand - English → Magyar
to be hand in glove with sy - English → Magyar
Congenital deformity of hand - English → Magyar
my hand has lost its cunning - English → Magyar
to send sg by the hand of sy - English → Magyar
he forced a tip into my hand - English → Magyar
right-hand corner of a sheet - English → Magyar
to gain the upper hand of sy - English → Magyar
to give a helping hand to sy - English → Magyar
to be hand and glove with sy - English → Magyar
Open wound of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
to be a fine hand with horses - English → Magyar
hand-out from the pork-barrel - English → Magyar
dude go and shit in your hand - English → Magyar
to be a good hand at doing sg - English → Magyar
Hand - foot and mouth disease - Svenska → Magyar
right-hand side of an equation - English → Magyar
he tried to get his hand loose - English → Magyar
to be a great hand at doing sg - English → Magyar
everybody's hand is against me - English → Magyar
to receive sg at the hand of sy - English → Magyar
to take a piece of work in hand - English → Magyar
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease - English → értelmezés
to be a master hand at doing sg - English → Magyar
Fracture at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
he can turn his hand to anything - English → Magyar
intercapitular veins of the hand - English → Magyar
to get the upper hand of a horse - English → Magyar
intercapitular veins of the hand - English → értelmezés
Juvenile osteochondrosis of hand - English → Magyar
Hand-Schüller Christian disease - English → Magyar
to snatch a thing from sy's hand - English → Magyar
Crushing injury of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Contact with nonpowered hand tool - English → Magyar
he has a hand in the running of it - English → Magyar
Acquired absence of hand and wrist - English → Magyar
take your hand out of your pocket! - English → Magyar
Hand Schüller Christian betegség - Magyar → keresési javaslat
Multiple injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
he that has land has trouble at hand - English → Magyar
Burn and corrosion of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Unspecified injury of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Superficial injury of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Multiple open wounds of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of first degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
enfermedad de Hand-Schüller-Christian - Español → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of third degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
to get the upper hand of the situation - English → Magyar
Superficial forstbite of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of second degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Congenital absence of hand and finger(s) - English → Magyar
Injury of nerves at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
to win a race with a nice balance in hand - English → Magyar
Contusion of other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Other specified injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Open wound of other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Congenital absence of both forearm and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of first degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of third degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of hand at wrist level - English → Magyar
Burn of unspecified degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Other superficial injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of second degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist - English → Magyar
Fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of hand - English → Magyar
Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) - English → Magyar
Injury of ulnar artery at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) - English → értelmezés
Injury of median nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of radial nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Frostbite with tissue necrosis of hip and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of other nerves at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Multiple superficial injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of blood vessels at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of radial artery at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Other and unspecified injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Frostbite with tissue necrosis of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of unspecified degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple nerves at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Superficial injury of wrist and hand - unspecified - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Open wound of wrist and hand part - part unspecified - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of other blood vessels at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of hand - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of other muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery - English → Magyar
Congenital absence of upper arm and forearm with hand present - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple flexor muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Burn and corrosion of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple extensor muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Burn of first degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of third degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of second degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of long flexor muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Corrosion of first degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of third degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Corrosion of second degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Dislocation - sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Corrosion of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Combined traumatic amputation of ( part of ) finger(s) with other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
over - English → Magyar
över - Svenska → Magyar
over! - English → Magyar
go over - English → keresési javaslat
go over - Magyar → keresési javaslat
go over - Español → keresési javaslat
go over - Svenska → keresési javaslat
over sg - English → Magyar
to over - English → Magyar
tap over - English → keresési javaslat
Over use - English → keresési javaslat
got over - English → keresési javaslat
cut over - English → keresési javaslat
over ten - English → Magyar
for over - English → keresési javaslat
all over - English → Magyar
win over - English → Magyar
tip over - English → Magyar
rub over - English → keresési javaslat
get over - English → Magyar
over-age - English → Magyar
over all - Magyar → keresési javaslat
over arm - English → Magyar
over all - English → keresési javaslat
over all - Svenska → keresési javaslat
call over - English → Magyar
over copy - English → Magyar
bend over - English → keresési javaslat
roll-over - English → keresési javaslat
talk over - English → Magyar
hold over - English → Magyar
pass over - English → keresési javaslat
bowl over - English → Magyar
hook over - English → keresési javaslat
over scan - English → Magyar
weep over - English → Magyar
over ears - English → Magyar
Over Time - English → keresési javaslat
flip over - English → keresési javaslat
bind over - English → Magyar
fold over - English → keresési javaslat
turn over - English → Magyar
left over - English → Magyar
take over - English → Magyar
over burn - English → keresési javaslat
once-over - English → Magyar
call-over - English → Magyar
boil over - English → Magyar
over shoe - English → Magyar
pull over - English → Magyar
fall over - English → Magyar
over here - English → Magyar
hang-over - English → Magyar
over head - English → Magyar
step over - English → Magyar
roll over - English → Magyar
range over - English → Magyar
over-tired - English → Magyar
to be over - English → Magyar
over-proof - English → Magyar
hard over! - English → Magyar
over-eager - English → Magyar
carry over - English → Magyar
to do over - English → Magyar
cross over - English → keresési javaslat
heals over - English → Magyar
cross-over - English → keresési javaslat
stand over - English → Magyar
going-over - English → Magyar
it is over - English → Magyar
ferry over - English → Magyar
to go over - English → Magyar
boost over - English → keresési javaslat
over again - English → Magyar
over study - English → keresési javaslat
spill over - English → keresési javaslat
twice over - English → Magyar
over there - English → Magyar
carry-over - English → Magyar
to ink over - English → Magyar
acting over - English → Magyar
turned over - English → Magyar
switch over - English → Magyar
tumble over - English → Magyar
to put over - English → Magyar
over yonder - English → Magyar
taking over - English → Magyar
over-cooked - English → Magyar
change-over - English → Magyar
over-simple - English → Magyar
to lie over - English → Magyar
to run over - English → Magyar
over eating - English → keresési javaslat
to con over - English → Magyar
to win over - English → Magyar
to get over - English → Magyar
to tip over - English → Magyar
to arc over - English → Magyar
to lop over - English → Magyar
to turn over - English → Magyar
getting over - English → Magyar
to keel over - English → Magyar
to step over - English → Magyar
to kick over - English → Magyar
healing over - English → Magyar
to skip over - English → Magyar
to dash over - English → Magyar
to blow over - English → Magyar
to roll over - English → Magyar
over-hunting - English → Magyar
to deck over - English → Magyar
to ride over - English → Magyar
to take over - English → Magyar
to hold over - English → Magyar
to tide over - English → Magyar
to list over - English → Magyar
to scar over - English → Magyar
to push over - English → Magyar
to talk over - English → Magyar
crusted over - English → Magyar
to slip over - English → Magyar
to brim over - English → Magyar
deliver over - English → Magyar
to work over - English → Magyar
to skin over - English → Magyar
to tick over - English → Magyar
pulling over - English → Magyar
over the sea - English → Magyar
over rotated - English → keresési javaslat
telling over - English → Magyar
to give over - English → Magyar
to idle over - English → Magyar
running over - English → Magyar
to bowl over - English → Magyar
to pass over - English → Magyar
have sy over - English → Magyar
to bind over - English → Magyar
turning over - English → Magyar
to heel over - English → Magyar
to hash over - English → Magyar
to make over - English → Magyar
over denture - English → keresési javaslat
over the way - English → Magyar
to cope over - English → Magyar
to look over - English → Magyar
to pick over - English → Magyar
to boil over - English → Magyar
to come over - English → Magyar
to pull over - English → Magyar
control over - English → keresési javaslat
to warm over - English → Magyar
over-casting - English → Magyar
to show over - English → Magyar
to rake over - English → Magyar
to lean over - English → Magyar
varnish over - English → Magyar
to fall over - English → Magyar
over-zealous - English → Magyar
calling-over - English → Magyar
to tell over - English → Magyar
to slop over - English → Magyar
to hang over - English → Magyar
crossing over - English → Magyar
over the wire - English → Magyar
to range over - English → Magyar
far from over - English → Magyar
crossing over - English → értelmezés
to glaze over - English → Magyar
it's all over - English → Magyar
to gloss over - English → Magyar
to bring over - English → Magyar
to carry over - English → Magyar
to watch over - English → Magyar
to leave over - English → Magyar
arse over tip - English → Magyar
to knock over - English → Magyar
to feeze over - English → Magyar
to cross over - English → Magyar
increase over - English → értelmezés
over-generous - English → Magyar
to cloud over - English → Magyar
seller's over - English → Magyar
could be over - English → Magyar
to cover over - English → Magyar
to throw over - English → Magyar
to ferry over - English → Magyar
to crash over - English → Magyar
over-estimate - English → Magyar
to count over - English → Magyar
to skate over - English → Magyar
scabbing over - English → Magyar
to stand over - English → Magyar
over-potential - English → Magyar
over-inflation - English → Magyar
head over ears - English → Magyar
over something - English → Magyar
to bubble over - English → Magyar
over sy's head - English → Magyar
to tumble over - English → Magyar
to ask sy over - English → Magyar
over-sensitive - English → Magyar
half-seas over - English → Magyar
to run over sg - English → Magyar
to switch over - English → Magyar
to over-extend - English → Magyar
to topple over - English → Magyar
over and above - English → Magyar
six times over - English → Magyar
to over-excite - English → Magyar
to get over sy - English → Magyar
to blanch over - English → Magyar
over our heads - English → Magyar
to spread over - English → Magyar
think it over! - English → Magyar
to double over - English → Magyar
over the fence - English → Magyar
to get sy over - English → Magyar
all over again - English → Magyar
to run sy over - English → Magyar
to get sg over - English → Magyar
switch over to - English → Magyar
half-seas-over - English → Magyar
to career over - English → Magyar
to bend sg over - English → Magyar
to mull over sg - English → Magyar
and over i went - English → Magyar
length over all - English → Magyar
over expression - English → keresési javaslat
deliver over to - English → Magyar
to over-inflate - English → Magyar
to bowl sy over - English → Magyar
to be iced over - English → Magyar
over-excitement - English → Magyar
to crow over sy - English → Magyar
to trip over sg - English → Magyar
to chew over sg - English → Magyar
over in england - English → Magyar
over against sg - English → Magyar
to over-develop - English → Magyar
to skim over sg - English → Magyar
to crow over sg - English → Magyar
to be left over - English → Magyar
to be hung over - English → Magyar
to knuckle over - English → Magyar
to slur over sg - English → Magyar
his jig is over - English → Magyar
to idle over sg - English → Magyar
over the border - English → Magyar
head over heels - English → Magyar
over-production - English → Magyar
to weep over sy - English → Magyar
to gain sy over - English → Magyar
to fuss over sy - English → Magyar
to pore over sg - English → Magyar
cast a veil over - English → Magyar
to steal over sg - English → Magyar
over stimulation - English → keresési javaslat
over the counter - English → Magyar
to sleep over sg - English → Magyar
over-development - English → Magyar
have a hold over - English → Magyar
over in the cash - English → Magyar
have a hang-over - English → Magyar
to exult over sy - English → Magyar
to worry over sg - English → Magyar
to gloat over sg - English → Magyar
to steal over sy - English → Magyar
to brood over sg - English → Magyar
over-stimulation - English → Magyar
push over flange - English → Magyar
to do over again - English → Magyar
to mourn over sg - English → Magyar
to ache all over - English → Magyar
to knock sg over - English → Magyar
to topple sg over - English → Magyar
to shake all over - English → Magyar
the storm is over - English → Magyar
have sway over sy - English → Magyar
have control over - English → Magyar
to be all over sy - English → Magyar
please turn over! - English → Magyar
get over yourself - English → Magyar
all over the body - English → Magyar
all over the shop - English → Magyar
to spread over sg - English → Magyar
to loiter over sg - English → Magyar
to ponder over sg - English → Magyar
to grieve over sg - English → Magyar
patient turn over - English → Magyar
to search sg over - English → Magyar
to be bowled over - English → Magyar
to crawl all over - English → Magyar
to pop over to sy - English → Magyar
to finger sg over - English → Magyar
over the top of sg - English → Magyar
to rhapsodize over - English → Magyar
to project over sg - English → Magyar
to come over giddy - English → Magyar
to dash over to sg - English → Magyar
to slobber over sy - English → Magyar
all over the world - English → Magyar
have power over sy - English → Magyar
to go over the top - English → Magyar
to triumph over sg - English → Magyar
i have a card over - English → Magyar
all the world over - English → Magyar
over head and ears - English → Magyar
to prevail over sy - English → Magyar
to rejoice over sg - English → Magyar
over my dead body! - English → Magyar
to tide sy over sg - English → Magyar
seats crashed over - English → Magyar
over the long pull - English → Magyar
let's get it over! - English → Magyar
from over the seas - English → Magyar
to be busy over sg - English → Magyar
to lord it over sy - English → Magyar
to come over funny - English → Magyar
to be bats over sg - English → Magyar
increase over time - English → Magyar
all over the place - English → Magyar
to come over queer - English → Magyar
house over the way - English → Magyar
can you jump over? - English → Magyar
to enthuse over sg - English → Magyar
to preside over sg - English → Magyar
change-over switch - English → Magyar
to go silly over sy - English → Magyar
to be all over dust - English → Magyar
to be quick over sg - English → Magyar
over-all dimensions - English → Magyar
that ... over there - English → Magyar
over all dimensions - English → keresési javaslat
to be ratty over sy - English → Magyar
to be over the hump - English → Magyar
to put oneself over - English → Magyar
to dump all over sy - English → Magyar
over-the-road truck - English → Magyar
to pore over a book - English → Magyar
have a hold over sy - English → Magyar
to ruminate over sg - English → Magyar
to go over the line - English → Magyar
to shit all over sy - English → Magyar
the storm blew over - English → Magyar
jumping over details - English → Magyar
to brim over with sg - English → Magyar
to swim over a river - English → Magyar
a chill came over me - English → Magyar
to fall over oneself - English → Magyar
to bear sway over sy - English → Magyar
to spell over a word - English → Magyar
to wisp over a horse - English → Magyar
to hold sway over sy - English → Magyar
taking over my style - English → Magyar
over hedge and ditch - English → Magyar
command over oneself - English → Magyar
pulling-over machine - English → Magyar
he can't get over it - English → Magyar
to take over from sy - English → Magyar
known the world over - English → Magyar
have an edge over sy - English → Magyar
to get the play over - English → Magyar
to reign over a land - English → Magyar
head over ears in sg - English → Magyar
to skip over a brook - English → Magyar
to take pains over sg - English → Magyar
to go head over heels - English → Magyar
to take over the lead - English → Magyar
to turn sg over to sy - English → Magyar
brimming over with sg - English → Magyar
to turn over the soil - English → Magyar
sitting over the fire - English → Magyar
bridge over the river - English → Magyar
brim over with health - English → Magyar
to slubber over a job - English → Magyar
to give sg over to sy - English → Magyar
to turn over the face - English → Magyar
to hop over to swhere - English → Magyar
to give sy over to sy - English → Magyar
to take over a trench - English → Magyar
to run over its banks - English → Magyar
över njuren liggande - Svenska → Magyar
over arm of the river - English → Magyar
to waste time over sg - English → Magyar
to brim over with joy - English → Magyar
over ten years of age - English → Magyar
to do sg over with sg - English → Magyar
to make merry over sy - English → Magyar
have the edge over sy - English → Magyar
that is him all over! - English → Magyar
to bowl over skittles - English → Magyar
to get bitten over sy - English → Magyar
to fuck over somebody - English → Magyar
have the pull over sy - English → Magyar
to talk over sy's head - English → Magyar
to put a spell over sy - English → Magyar
to spring over a ditch - English → Magyar
to plaster over a wall - English → Magyar
it's all over with him - English → Magyar
to cross over the road - English → Magyar
to over-extend oneself - English → Magyar
to boil over with rage - English → Magyar
to be all over oneself - English → Magyar
he is english all over - English → Magyar
to take over the watch - English → Magyar
to be given over to sg - English → Magyar
to sheet over a waggon - English → Magyar
when hell freezes over - English → Magyar
to souse water over sg - English → Magyar
to bend over backwards - English → Magyar
to mount guard over sg - English → Magyar
over the counter drugs - English → Magyar
to get over traditions - English → Magyar
to live over the river - English → Magyar
to pore over a subject - English → Magyar
to motor over to see sy - English → Magyar
to cast a spell over sy - English → Magyar
to tide over hard times - English → Magyar
to kick over the traces - English → Magyar
to go daffy over a girl - English → Magyar
to turn head over heels - English → Magyar
women of sixty and over - English → Magyar
you can't bowl him over - English → Magyar
to buy over the counter - English → Magyar
to take trouble over sg - English → Magyar
to cast a gloom over sy - English → Magyar
dullness over the liver - Magyar → szinonima
to get over a bad habit - English → Magyar
let's get it over with! - English → Magyar
to turn over a new leaf - English → Magyar
to take sy over a house - English → Magyar
dispersed over the body - English → Magyar
to bubble over with joy - English → Magyar
over the last ten years - English → Magyar
plastered over with mud - English → Magyar
to take over a business - English → Magyar
the rain is giving over - English → Magyar
to go over to the enemy - English → Magyar
what has come over you? - English → Magyar
to brim over with health - English → Magyar
to sell over the counter - English → Magyar
over-the-counter product - English → Magyar
to be victorious over sy - English → Magyar
to number over a hundred - English → Magyar
payable over the counter - English → Magyar
to give sg the once-over - English → Magyar
to take the lead over sy - English → Magyar
to spread over two years - English → Magyar
to cast a shadow over sg - English → Magyar
to win over sy by points - English → Magyar
let's have it over with! - English → Magyar
the season was just over - English → Magyar
to throw over the points - English → Magyar
to row sy over the river - English → Magyar
over head and ears in sg - English → Magyar
he spoke for over an hour - English → Magyar
can you stay over sunday? - English → Magyar
to haggle with sy over sg - English → Magyar
over the top of something - English → Magyar
to glaze over sy's faults - English → Magyar
to draw a curtain over sg - English → Magyar
to haul sy over the coals - English → Magyar
have an advantage over sy - English → Magyar
a shudder passed over him - English → Magyar
to clout sy over the head - English → Magyar
chromosomal crossing over - English → Magyar
to cast a glamour over sy - English → Magyar
to come the artful over sy - English → Magyar
to pass over sg in silence - English → Magyar
to run over to a neighbour - English → Magyar
to get the mastery over sg - English → Magyar
to gain ascendancy over sy - English → Magyar
it is written all over him - English → Magyar
a cold sweat came over him - English → Magyar
to conceit oneself over sg - English → Magyar
they are over from england - English → Magyar
to go into ecstasy over sg - English → Magyar
to over-extend financially - English → Magyar
that's over and done with! - English → Magyar
to gain a firm hold over sy - English → Magyar
the play failed to get over - English → Magyar
to rap sy over the knuckles - English → Magyar
to knock sy head over heels - English → Magyar
jutting out over the street - English → Magyar
to take a long time over sg - English → Magyar
that's nothing to weep over - English → Magyar
over the counter medication - English → Magyar
increase over a given value - English → Magyar
to go into raptures over sg - English → Magyar
to strew sand over the floor - English → Magyar
to be hanging over sy's head - English → Magyar
to take over the liabilities - English → Magyar
to get hauled over the coals - English → Magyar
to bubble over with laughter - English → Magyar
to spread manure over a field - English → Magyar
how long will you be over it? - English → Magyar
to give orders over sy's head - English → Magyar
to be promoted over sy's head - English → Magyar
silence broods over the scene - English → Magyar
to be head over heels in love - English → Magyar
to gloat over sy's misfortune - English → Magyar
a smile hovered over her lips - English → Magyar
to deliberate over a question - English → Magyar
he is six foot and a bit over - English → Magyar
to put a horse over the fences - English → Magyar
to huddle over a piece of work - English → Magyar
to cast a chill over a company - English → Magyar
to sell a house over sy's head - English → Magyar
come over and see me on friday - English → Magyar
wonderful lookout over the sea - English → Magyar
pot measuring five inches over - English → Magyar
to lose not a little over cards - English → Magyar
to be famous all the world over - English → Magyar
to help a lame dog over a stile - English → Magyar
to take no little pains over sg - English → Magyar
to be famous all over the world - English → Magyar
they will stay over the weekend - English → Magyar
to turn over the pages of a book - English → Magyar
have a chat over a glass of wine - English → Magyar
to rivet over the head of a bolt - English → Magyar
to be given over to evil courses - English → Magyar
my eye took a run over the scene - English → Magyar
it is written large all over him - English → Magyar
to be married over the broomstick - English → Magyar
to take over the management of sg - English → Magyar
to rake over the ashes of the past - English → Magyar
a sudden flush spread over her face - English → Magyar
to case over a surface with plaster - English → Magyar
to fling her cap over the windmills - English → Magyar
to cast a chill over a conversation - English → Magyar
to brood over scheemes of vengeance - English → Magyar
to throw her cap over the windmills - English → Magyar
the town was sheeted over with snow - English → Magyar
to be over the heads of the audience - English → Magyar
I have been looking all over for you - English → Magyar
this sum will tide us over next year - English → Magyar
to be bowled over by a piece of news - English → Magyar
have running rights over another line - English → Magyar
mönstret fortsätter in över bilden - Svenska → Magyar
her hair fell loose over her shoulder - English → Magyar
instalment spread over several months - English → Magyar
the right of disposal over the account - English → Magyar
to put over the other side of the river - English → Magyar
to turn over five hundred pounds a week - English → Magyar
to fall head over heels in love with sy - English → Magyar
baggrundslinjen fortsætter hen over foto - Dansk → Magyar
to rent a flat and take over the furniture - English → Magyar
lijn van de ondergrondbedrukking loopt door over de foto - Nederlands → Magyar
one - English → Magyar
one's - English → Magyar
as one - Magyar → keresési javaslat
as one - English → keresési javaslat
no one - English → Magyar
as one - Italiano → keresési javaslat
at one - English → Magyar
as one - Deutsch → keresési javaslat
one-day - English → Magyar
one-off - English → Magyar
one-bit - English → Magyar
one-act - English → Magyar
act one - English → Magyar
one way - English → Magyar
one-way - English → Magyar
the one - English → Magyar
one day - English → Magyar
one-man - English → Magyar
one man - English → keresési javaslat
fair one - English → Magyar
book one - English → Magyar
one time - English → Magyar
evil one - English → Magyar
this one - English → Magyar
one meal - English → Magyar
deep one - English → Magyar
holy one - English → Magyar
one more - English → Magyar
that one - English → Magyar
one two! - English → Magyar
one-byte - English → Magyar
just one - English → Magyar
Mark one - Magyar → keresési javaslat
one-eyed - English → Magyar
one-shot - English → Magyar
one-time - English → Magyar
one-track - English → Magyar
one blank - English → Magyar
one-armed - English → Magyar
one-horse - English → Magyar
which one - English → Magyar
One-stage - English → keresési javaslat
one of us - English → Magyar
one touch - English → Magyar
one-piece - English → Magyar
one a day - English → keresési javaslat
other one - English → Magyar
one-armed - Čeština → Magyar
one sided - English → Magyar
one-price - English → Magyar
those one - English → Magyar
one-armed - Français → Magyar
at one go - English → Magyar
one third - English → Magyar
one stage - English → Magyar
every one - English → Magyar
one block - Magyar → keresési javaslat
one-sided - English → Magyar
i for one - English → Magyar
stage one - Italiano → keresési javaslat
one for us - English → Magyar
one or two - English → Magyar
number one - English → Magyar
adored one - English → Magyar
which one? - English → Magyar
one of two - English → keresési javaslat
go up one! - English → Magyar
become one - English → Magyar
ten to one - English → Magyar
one fourth - English → Magyar
in one way - English → Magyar
one teezie - Urban (English) → Magyar
one-seeded - English → Magyar
as one man - English → Magyar
one-fourth - English → keresési javaslat
one-legged - English → Magyar
all in one - English → Magyar
many a one - English → Magyar
twenty-one - English → Magyar
one in ten - English → Magyar
one legged - English → Magyar
to make one - English → Magyar
cast in one - English → Magyar
chapter one - English → Magyar
one of them - English → Magyar
a quick one - English → Magyar
one and all - English → Magyar
one quarter - English → Magyar
devil a one - English → Magyar
give me one - English → Magyar
my own one! - English → Magyar
the one who - English → Magyar
never a one - English → Magyar
one o'clock - English → Magyar
one hundred - English → Magyar
on one side - English → Magyar
at one time - English → Magyar
at one haul - English → Magyar
one goal up - English → Magyar
all but one - English → Magyar
one another - English → Magyar
be made one - English → Magyar
at one blow - English → Magyar
one-way RPC - English → Magyar
in one word - English → Magyar
one-storied - English → Magyar
at one bite - English → Magyar
one fine day - English → Magyar
one too many - English → Magyar
at one swoop - English → Magyar
the long one - English → Magyar
it's all one - English → Magyar
some one man - English → Magyar
the evil one - English → Magyar
on one's pat - English → Magyar
last but one - English → Magyar
one thousand - English → Magyar
the best one - English → Magyar
in one block - English → Magyar
one-man band - English → Magyar
one and only - English → Magyar
in one piece - English → Magyar
from day one - English → Magyar
at one bound - English → Magyar
in one's day - English → Magyar
to one-up sy - English → Magyar
at one sweep - English → Magyar
in one's way - English → Magyar
all one knows - English → Magyar
no one of you - English → Magyar
one up for us - English → Magyar
at one remove - English → Magyar
the right one - English → Magyar
one-tail test - English → Magyar
one-stop-shop - English → Magyar
any one of us - English → Magyar
I owe you one - English → Magyar
off one's nut - English → Magyar
one-way valve - English → Magyar
he is the one - English → Magyar
half past one - English → Magyar
to become one - English → Magyar
one at a time - English → Magyar
in one's cups - English → Magyar
to tie one on - English → Magyar
one of a pair - English → Magyar
to one's name - English → Magyar
one mr. smith - English → Magyar
for one thing - English → Magyar
off one's dot - English → Magyar
you are a one - English → Magyar
the other one - English → Magyar
one up to you - English → Magyar
the others one - English → Magyar
look about one - English → Magyar
one-way street - English → Magyar
in one's prime - English → Magyar
one's own self - English → Magyar
one way street - English → Magyar
one-way-street - English → Magyar
one summer day - English → Magyar
one and a half - English → Magyar
one-way ticket - English → Magyar
half one's men - English → Magyar
half after one - English → Magyar
to be made one - English → Magyar
have one's way - English → Magyar
one-way-ticket - English → Magyar
the absent one - English → Magyar
have one's say - English → Magyar
one among many - English → Magyar
make one of us - English → Magyar
one-horse town - English → Magyar
with one voice - English → Magyar
at one draught - English → Magyar
i'm such a one - English → Magyar
in one's shirt - English → Magyar
this one thing - English → Magyar
one-horse show - English → Magyar
off one's head - English → Magyar
each one of us - English → Magyar
one-way mirror - English → Magyar
one night stand - English → Magyar
to one's profit - English → Magyar
my one ewe lamb - English → Magyar
to go one's way - English → Magyar
off one's onion - English → Magyar
his one thought - English → Magyar
one-course dish - English → Magyar
to do one's bit - English → Magyar
have one's wish - English → Magyar
he is one of us - English → Magyar
next one's skin - English → Magyar
one kick ahead! - English → Magyar
pull a fast one - English → Magyar
from one to ten - English → Magyar
put to one side - English → Magyar
deaf in one ear - English → Magyar
make one of us! - English → Magyar
on the one part - English → Magyar
under one's hat - English → Magyar
one way traffic - English → Magyar
ten to one that - English → Magyar
to be one flesh - English → Magyar
with one accord - English → Magyar
one-horse thing - English → Magyar
put on one side - English → Magyar
in the year one - English → Magyar
on one occasion - English → Magyar
to want one arm - English → Magyar
one of the gang - English → Magyar
one tone higher - English → Magyar
i am not one to - English → Magyar
one-dimensional - English → Magyar
to one's liking - English → Magyar
have one's will - English → Magyar
next day but one - English → Magyar
not a single one - English → Magyar
one's turn comes - English → Magyar
as one might say - English → Magyar
have one's fling - English → Magyar
one-humped camel - English → Magyar
one-armed bandit - English → Magyar
to do one's part - English → Magyar
have one's gruel - English → Magyar
having one focus - English → Magyar
one fine morning - English → Magyar
to get one's cap - English → Magyar
to set one's jaw - English → Magyar
he's a smart one - English → Magyar
to say one's say - English → Magyar
like one o'clock - English → Magyar
one's head turns - English → Magyar
to ply one's wit - English → Magyar
the one who left - English → Magyar
have one's swing - English → Magyar
to ply one's jaw - English → Magyar
to ask one's way - English → Magyar
one's own master - English → Magyar
to get one's hat - English → Magyar
to win one's cap - English → Magyar
to do one's hair - English → Magyar
to do one's time - English → Magyar
to pay one's way - English → Magyar
to do one's duty - English → Magyar
with one consent - English → Magyar
on one's hunkers - English → Magyar
to cut one's way - English → Magyar
up to one's ears - English → Magyar
one and sixpence - English → Magyar
under one's nose - English → Magyar
to get one's way - English → Magyar
under one's sway - English → Magyar
to do one's work - English → Magyar
one and the same - English → Magyar
one-way function - English → Magyar
one-horse farmer - English → Magyar
blind in one eye - English → Magyar
one's mind is up - English → Magyar
all in one piece - English → Magyar
one design class - English → Magyar
to tip one's hat - English → Magyar
one stroke ahead - English → Magyar
to hie one's way - English → Magyar
to hew one's way - English → Magyar
cut of one's jib - English → Magyar
at one's leisure - English → Magyar
to do one's best - English → Magyar
from one's teeth - English → Magyar
having one center - English → Magyar
a hundred and one - English → Magyar
one two three go! - English → Magyar
to try one's luck - English → Magyar
to cry one's fill - English → Magyar
at one's own risk - English → Magyar
one-parent family - English → Magyar
egg in one's beer - English → Magyar
to do one's stuff - English → Magyar
to quit one's job - English → Magyar
one after another - English → Magyar
one's better self - English → Magyar
in one's own home - English → Magyar
having one centre - English → Magyar
to flip one's top - English → Magyar
out of one's head - English → Magyar
to get one's blue - English → Magyar
to near one's end - English → Magyar
to air one's heel - English → Magyar
to do one's teeth - English → Magyar
half of one's men - English → Magyar
to hold one's own - English → Magyar
to look about one - English → Magyar
to win one's spur - English → Magyar
to gag one's part - English → Magyar
before one's face - English → Magyar
to top one's part - English → Magyar
to be of one mind - English → Magyar
to do one's share - English → Magyar
it is one o'clock - English → Magyar
to piss one's bed - English → Magyar
off one's own bat - English → Magyar
to win one's case - English → Magyar
to win one's blue - English → Magyar
one's better half - English → Magyar
behind one's back - English → Magyar
to wet one's clay - English → Magyar
to be one with sg - English → Magyar
to blow one's top - English → Magyar
no one volunteers - English → Magyar
one's little game - English → Magyar
to look one's age - English → Magyar
one of these days - English → Magyar
to burr one's r's - English → Magyar
to come one's way - English → Magyar
to pull one's leg - English → Magyar
to meet one's end - English → Magyar
like one inspired - English → Magyar
to know one's job - English → Magyar
one of two things - English → Magyar
to wend one's way - English → Magyar
to set one's hair - English → Magyar
to wink one's eye - English → Magyar
one's little ways - English → Magyar
to gain one's end - English → Magyar
one or two people - English → Magyar
after one another - English → Magyar
to take one's hat - English → Magyar
to get one's wind - English → Magyar
to be one with sy - English → Magyar
to dip one's flag - English → Magyar
to feel one's way - English → Magyar
to eat one's fill - English → Magyar
off one's crumpet - English → Magyar
to eat one's word - English → Magyar
to wag one's chin - English → Magyar
to show one's age - English → Magyar
to flip one's lid - English → Magyar
on one's way home - English → Magyar
to lose one's way - English → Magyar
to run one's face - English → Magyar
to plod one's way - English → Magyar
at one fell swoop - English → Magyar
to cock one's hat - English → Magyar
to do one's stint - English → Magyar
one for the books - English → Magyar
to pick one's way - English → Magyar
to wad one's ears - English → Magyar
to tidy one's hair - English → Magyar
have one's own way - English → Magyar
one day out of two - English → Magyar
to hang one's head - English → Magyar
to beg one's bread - English → Magyar
below one's breath - English → Magyar
to cork one's face - English → Magyar
to be a one for sg - English → Magyar
for one's own sake - English → Magyar
to go up one point - English → Magyar
to send one's mind - English → Magyar
zero-one principle - English → Magyar
to draw one's fees - English → Magyar
to pull a fast one - English → Magyar
to lick one's lips - English → Magyar
to comb one's hair - English → Magyar
to make one's will - English → Magyar
to lose one's mind - English → Magyar
apple of one's eye - English → Magyar
to lose one's hair - English → Magyar
to weep one's fill - English → Magyar
to claim one's due - English → Magyar
to set one's teeth - English → Magyar
to dump one's load - English → Magyar
garment all in one - English → Magyar
have a head on one - English → Magyar
to bare one's head - English → Magyar
to make one's moan - English → Magyar
to play one's part - English → Magyar
to pay one's score - English → Magyar
to drag one's feet - English → Magyar
in one's own house - English → Magyar
to cock one's nose - English → Magyar
to wolf one's food - English → Magyar
to fold one's arms - English → Magyar
to lose one's goat - English → Magyar
to mend one's ways - English → Magyar
under one's breath - English → Magyar
to fall one's face - English → Magyar
it's all one to me - English → Magyar
to take one's hook - English → Magyar
to bide one's time - English → Magyar
that's a good one! - English → Magyar
to pawn one's word - English → Magyar
have one's say out - English → Magyar
to get one's gruel - English → Magyar
she is the one who - English → Magyar
to hold one's nose - English → Magyar
to save one's neck - English → Magyar
next to one's skin - English → Magyar
affecting one side - English → Magyar
to save one's face - English → Magyar
in one's own right - English → Magyar
to pay one's share - English → Magyar
to make one's soul - English → Magyar
to feel one's legs - English → Magyar
to leave one's bed - English → Magyar
to cock one's ears - English → Magyar
to lose one's cool - English → Magyar
to lose one's wind - English → Magyar
to meet one's fate - English → Magyar
to pull one's rank - English → Magyar
one or other of us - English → Magyar
to tear one's hair - English → Magyar
beyond one's range - English → Magyar
to bite one's lips - English → Magyar
to blow one's horn - English → Magyar
to look one's best - English → Magyar
to try one's wings - English → Magyar
to shoot one's job - English → Magyar
to make one's mark - English → Magyar
to cut one's teeth - English → Magyar
to find one's legs - English → Magyar
having one feather - English → Magyar
to gash one's chin - English → Magyar
to cut one's lucky - English → Magyar
to pop one's watch - English → Magyar
to lose one's head - English → Magyar
to save one's hide - English → Magyar
to turn one's coat - English → Magyar
since the year one - English → Magyar
have in one's gift - English → Magyar
to blow one's nose - English → Magyar
like one possessed - English → Magyar
to fight one's way - English → Magyar
to feel one's oats - English → Magyar
run of one's teeth - English → Magyar
to know one's part - English → Magyar
to find one's feet - English → Magyar
to eat one's words - English → Magyar
to ply one's teeth - English → Magyar
to cut one's stick - English → Magyar
to cut one's tooth - English → Magyar
to grope one's way - English → Magyar
to take one's seat - English → Magyar
to fear one's skin - English → Magyar
to force one's way - English → Magyar
to be one-up on sy - English → Magyar
to risk one's life - English → Magyar
to rear one's head - English → Magyar
for one's own good - English → Magyar
to give one's o.k. - English → Magyar
beyond one's depth - English → Magyar
one-story building - English → Magyar
to lose one's life - English → Magyar
to mend one's pace - English → Magyar
back to square one - English → Magyar
to make one's pile - English → Magyar
to get one's wings - English → Magyar
to pick one's step - English → Magyar
have had one's day - English → Magyar
to hold one's ears - English → Magyar
to save one's skin - English → Magyar
to rub one's hands - English → Magyar
to open one's post - English → Magyar
to take one's ease - English → Magyar
hair in one's neck - English → Magyar
to pick one's nose - English → Magyar
his one thought is - English → Magyar
not a solitary one - English → Magyar
that's one comfort - English → Magyar
to show one's face - English → Magyar
beyond one's reach - English → Magyar
to stop one's ears - English → Magyar
to boast one's self - English → Magyar
to lick one's chops - English → Magyar
to save one's bacon - English → Magyar
to burst one's side - English → Magyar
to flip one's stack - English → Magyar
to skimp one's work - English → Magyar
to go one's own way - English → Magyar
to take one's stand - English → Magyar
to eat one's dinner - English → Magyar
to beat up some one - English → Magyar
out of one's crease - English → Magyar
to tell one's story - English → Magyar
one of the subjects - English → Magyar
to hold one's peace - English → Magyar
one hundred dollars - English → Magyar
to swing one's arms - English → Magyar
one hour and a half - English → Magyar
to lose one's shirt - English → Magyar
to be on one's beat - English → Magyar
to earn one's bread - English → Magyar
of one's own making - English → Magyar
to fumble one's way - English → Magyar
to bark one's elbow - English → Magyar
to take one's heels - English → Magyar
to know one's onion - English → Magyar
to sting one's hook - English → Magyar
in one's mind's eye - English → Magyar
have one's hair cut - English → Magyar
to drop one's teeth - English → Magyar
to fold one's hands - English → Magyar
one after the other - English → Magyar
to pull one's punch - English → Magyar
to speak one's mind - English → Magyar
to do up one's hair - English → Magyar
to cover one's head - English → Magyar
to cool one's heels - English → Magyar
to pitch one's tent - English → Magyar
to cut one's losses - English → Magyar
to offer one's lips - English → Magyar
in one way or other - English → Magyar
to put in one's oar - English → Magyar
to show one's fangs - English → Magyar
to get one's living - English → Magyar
to walk one's chalk - English → Magyar
of one's own growth - English → Magyar
to pick one's teeth - English → Magyar
to enter one's mind - English → Magyar
to loose one's head - English → Magyar
to make one's point - English → Magyar
to bend one's brows - English → Magyar
to one's naked word - English → Magyar
to chance one's arm - English → Magyar
to scuff one's feet - English → Magyar
to shut one's mouth - English → Magyar
to lose one's pains - English → Magyar
to stamp one's foot - English → Magyar
to yield one's soul - English → Magyar
to burn one's boats - English → Magyar
to drag one's brain - English → Magyar
to serve one's time - English → Magyar
to know one's stuff - English → Magyar
lying on one's back - English → Magyar
to take one's leave - English → Magyar
to press one's suit - English → Magyar
to sink one's heart - English → Magyar
to become one flesh - English → Magyar
to bare one's teeth - English → Magyar
my one and only son - English → Magyar
fruit of one's womb - English → Magyar
to string one along - English → Magyar
to cast one's weeds - English → Magyar
to break one's neck - English → Magyar
to put on one's hat - English → Magyar
to knit one's brows - English → Magyar
quick on one's pins - English → Magyar
to pin on one's hat - English → Magyar
Blindness - one eye - English → Magyar
to show one's teeth - English → Magyar
to peel one's elbow - English → Magyar
to take one's swing - English → Magyar
to prick one's ears - English → Magyar
to jar one's nerves - English → Magyar
to lower one's flag - English → Magyar
to waste one's shot - English → Magyar
to take one's place - English → Magyar
to spill one's guts - English → Magyar
stay one step ahead - English → Magyar
to gird one's sword - English → Magyar
of one's own accord - English → Magyar
to sound one's horn - English → Magyar
of one's own motion - English → Magyar
to alter one's mind - English → Magyar
one’s own expense - English → Magyar
to bewail one's lot - English → Magyar
to miss one's train - English → Magyar
to clip one's words - English → Magyar
to kick one's heels - English → Magyar
one's mind is on sg - English → Magyar
to make one's lucky - English → Magyar
to click one's heel - English → Magyar
to crap one's pants - English → Magyar
to lose one's nerve - English → Magyar
to oil one's tongue - English → Magyar
to blow one's stack - English → Magyar
to cover one's ears - English → Magyar
to tell one's beads - English → Magyar
to nurse one's knee - English → Magyar
as one might expect - English → Magyar
to shake one's side - English → Magyar
to know one's place - English → Magyar
to break one's word - English → Magyar
at one's own charge - English → Magyar
to burn one's money - English → Magyar
to bear one's cross - English → Magyar
to shit one's pants - English → Magyar
honour of one's sex - English → Magyar
to move to one side - English → Magyar
to drink one's fill - English → Magyar
to bite one's nails - English → Magyar
to go to one's head - English → Magyar
one of their number - English → Magyar
to find one's match - English → Magyar
to relax one's hold - English → Magyar
to teach one better - English → Magyar
to bare one's sword - English → Magyar
in one's shirttails - English → Magyar
to show one's right - English → Magyar
to split one's side - English → Magyar
first house but one - English → Magyar
to slur one's words - English → Magyar
to wag one's tongue - English → Magyar
to lose one's sight - English → Magyar
to stir one's stump - English → Magyar
to show one's cards - English → Magyar
to get one's remove - English → Magyar
to kilt one's skirt - English → Magyar
to meet one's match - English → Magyar
i am not the one to - English → Magyar
to make one's escape - English → Magyar
to wet one's whistle - English → Magyar
to hold one's breath - English → Magyar
to carry one's point - English → Magyar
to clasp one's hands - English → Magyar
to clean one's teeth - English → Magyar
to hold one's ground - English → Magyar
to do as one pleases - English → Magyar
to take one's chance - English → Magyar
have one's sleep out - English → Magyar
paralysed in one leg - English → Magyar
to get in one's road - English → Magyar
one sheet is wanting - English → Magyar
to follow one's bent - English → Magyar
to hang up one's hat - English → Magyar
to beat one's brains - English → Magyar
to recant one's vows - English → Magyar
by the skin of one's - English → Magyar
to steel one's heart - English → Magyar
to say one's lessons - English → Magyar
to grind one's teeth - English → Magyar
to pawn one's honour - English → Magyar
for all one is worth - English → Magyar
bottom stair but one - English → Magyar
to hold one's tongue - English → Magyar
right up one's alley - English → Magyar
to slip one's memory - English → Magyar
to want one's dinner - English → Magyar
to be made one flesh - English → Magyar
to show one's ticket - English → Magyar
to follow one's nose - English → Magyar
one man in a hundred - English → Magyar
to lose one's senses - English → Magyar
not one jot or title - English → Magyar
Low vision - one eye - English → Magyar
to put up one's hair - English → Magyar
to heave one's gorge - English → Magyar
to get one's stripes - English → Magyar
to reach one's teens - English → Magyar
to get out one's car - English → Magyar
to be on one's guard - English → Magyar
to choose one's time - English → Magyar
to soften one's tone - English → Magyar
to unbend one's mind - English → Magyar
to take one's degree - English → Magyar
have lost one's wits - English → Magyar
to pickle one's nose - English → Magyar
to be off one's oats - English → Magyar
to find one's speech - English → Magyar
each one his own way - English → Magyar
to put one's word in - English → Magyar
to gabble one's part - English → Magyar
the one on the table - English → Magyar
to get on one's feet - English → Magyar
to mince one's words - English → Magyar
to run off one's leg - English → Magyar
to pack up one's kit - English → Magyar
to gnash one's teeth - English → Magyar
to be at one with sy - English → Magyar
to get one's own way - English → Magyar
to work one's way up - English → Magyar
to be at one's books - English → Magyar
no one man can do it - English → Magyar
to get to one's feet - English → Magyar
to try one's hardest - English → Magyar
One-lung Ventilation - English → Magyar
to get one's company - English → Magyar
to calm one's nerves - English → Magyar
to spread one's lips - English → Magyar
one way or the other - English → Magyar
to rack one's brains - English → Magyar
to get in one's hair - English → Magyar
to line one's pocket - English → Magyar
beyond one's compass - English → Magyar
to grain one's teeth - English → Magyar
the one way to do it - English → Magyar
to stick to one said - English → Magyar
to find one's tongue - English → Magyar
to strike one's flag - English → Magyar
to weigh one's words - English → Magyar
to lose one's labour - English → Magyar
one side of the nose - English → Magyar
to be off one's beat - English → Magyar
to go off one's head - English → Magyar
to change one's cast - English → Magyar
to bash in one's hat - English → Magyar
to meet one's master - English → Magyar
to bolt one's dinner - English → Magyar
to let go one's hold - English → Magyar
one of the old guard - English → Magyar
by one's own account - English → Magyar
on one's own account - English → Magyar
to scrape one's chin - English → Magyar
one's little schemes - English → Magyar
to change one's mind - English → Magyar
to bless one's stars - English → Magyar
to grate one's teeth - English → Magyar
to hoe one's own row - English → Magyar
no one other than he - English → Magyar
i for one shall come - English → Magyar
range of one's ideas - English → Magyar
to dodge on one side - English → Magyar
to snatch one's time - English → Magyar
feather in one's cap - English → Magyar
to pull one's weight - English → Magyar
to mend one's fences - English → Magyar
have one's shirt out - English → Magyar
to cast one's ballot - English → Magyar
to chance one's luck - English → Magyar
one's whole energies - English → Magyar
to hold one's course - English → Magyar
deep in one's breast - English → Magyar
to brush one's teeth - English → Magyar
in one's own conceit - English → Magyar
to hit one's strides - English → Magyar
to answer one's name - English → Magyar
to waste one's words - English → Magyar
to sell one's honour - English → Magyar
have off one's hands - English → Magyar
in one's sunday best - English → Magyar
to pledge one's word - English → Magyar
to show one's mettle - English → Magyar
to get one's deserts - English → Magyar
to reap one's reward - English → Magyar
have one's own sticks - English → Magyar
have one's hands full - English → Magyar
to clear one's throat - English → Magyar
to glut one's revenge - English → Magyar
to be up to one's job - English → Magyar
one might as well say - English → Magyar
to start on one's way - English → Magyar
to miss one's footing - English → Magyar
to plight one's troth - English → Magyar
drift of one's speech - English → Magyar
to take one's partner - English → Magyar
beneath one's dignity - English → Magyar
to pick up one's buoy - English → Magyar
have one's mouth full - English → Magyar
have one's fair share - English → Magyar
to make one's getaway - English → Magyar
to land on one's feet - English → Magyar
to clench one's fists - English → Magyar
to be in one's senses - English → Magyar
in one way or another - English → Magyar
to cool one's coppers - English → Magyar
to pocket one's pride - English → Magyar
to pull one's punches - English → Magyar
to come to one's mind - English → Magyar
to cover one's tracks - English → Magyar
to run for one's life - English → Magyar
to sell one's country - English → Magyar
to dance on one's toe - English → Magyar
to tell sy one's mind - English → Magyar
to follow one's hunch - English → Magyar
to draw in one's horn - English → Magyar
to twirl one's thumbs - English → Magyar
to be off one's guard - English → Magyar
to do sg on one's own - English → Magyar
to mend one's draught - English → Magyar
to moisten one's clay - English → Magyar
to pay one's entrance - English → Magyar
to stand one's ground - English → Magyar
to fall on one's face - English → Magyar
to give sy one's cold - English → Magyar
to waste one's labour - English → Magyar
to make one the party - English → Magyar
to give in one's name - English → Magyar
to put sg on one side - English → Magyar
to pick at one's food - English → Magyar
to take off one's hat - English → Magyar
one's inmost feelings - English → Magyar
to jog one's horse on - English → Magyar
topmost stair but one - English → Magyar
each one did his part - English → Magyar
true to one's promise - English → Magyar
to be on one's uppers - English → Magyar
to shampoo one's hair - English → Magyar
to push one's fortune - English → Magyar
to live by one's wits - English → Magyar
to impart one's skill - English → Magyar
to give up one's plan - English → Magyar
to forfeit one's life - English → Magyar
in one's shirtsleeves - English → Magyar
to warm to one's work - English → Magyar
to get one's bearings - English → Magyar
to line one's stomach - English → Magyar
as good as one's word - English → Magyar
to pull off one's hat - English → Magyar
family with one child - English → Magyar
to fling up one's job - English → Magyar
to lose one's balance - English → Magyar
to peck at one's food - English → Magyar
to sit on one's heels - English → Magyar
to shuffle one's feet - English → Magyar
have one's nose broke - English → Magyar
to give one's opinion - English → Magyar
to get one's spunk up - English → Magyar
to look like one dead - English → Magyar
to fret one's gizzard - English → Magyar
to take up one's post - English → Magyar
to stretch one's legs - English → Magyar
to feather one's nest - English → Magyar
to die in one's shoes - English → Magyar
privacy of one's home - English → Magyar
to put sg to one side - English → Magyar
to waste one's breath - English → Magyar
to mend one's manners - English → Magyar
to pucker one's brows - English → Magyar
to turn one's toes in - English → Magyar
to slither one's feet - English → Magyar
to be near one's time - English → Magyar
to make up one's mind - English → Magyar
to win one's flannels - English → Magyar
to spoil one's dinner - English → Magyar
to fall on one's food - English → Magyar
with all one's weight - English → Magyar
to push one's demands - English → Magyar
to put on one's boots - English → Magyar
one-session treatment - English → Magyar
one's nose is running - English → Magyar
to breathe one's last - English → Magyar
to click one's tongue - English → Magyar
to nurse one's public - English → Magyar
have sg on one's mind - English → Magyar
to send in one's name - English → Magyar
to get one's quill up - English → Magyar
to recover one's wind - English → Magyar
to gnaw one's fingers - English → Magyar
to turn up one's nose - English → Magyar
to put on one's shoes - English → Magyar
to collect one's wits - English → Magyar
to one's astonishment - English → Magyar
to guard one's tongue - English → Magyar
to be lame in one leg - English → Magyar
have one's fill of it - English → Magyar
to go off one's onion - English → Magyar
out of one's own head - English → Magyar
to be near one's last - English → Magyar
to be on one's mettle - English → Magyar
one of the old school - English → Magyar
to lose one's stamina - English → Magyar
to turn up one's toes - English → Magyar
in one's own interest - English → Magyar
to abuse one's health - English → Magyar
to find one's way out - English → Magyar
to be past one's work - English → Magyar
free with one's money - English → Magyar
to pursue one's point - English → Magyar
to fail in one's duty - English → Magyar
to shift one's ground - English → Magyar
to go to one's dreams - English → Magyar
to fly for one's life - English → Magyar
to taste one's tongue - English → Magyar
to live on one's hump - English → Magyar
to be lame of one leg - English → Magyar
many-one relationship - English → Magyar
have one's fill of sg - English → Magyar
to take one's own life - English → Magyar
to put one's foot down - English → Magyar
to get one's dander up - English → Magyar
prop for one's old age - English → Magyar
to be past one's prime - English → Magyar
to change one's course - English → Magyar
have sy in one's power - English → Magyar
have served one's time - English → Magyar
to go out of one's way - English → Magyar
to do one's level best - English → Magyar
and a poor one at that - English → Magyar
to light on one's feet - English → Magyar
to pass in one's chips - English → Magyar
one can do that easily - English → Magyar
to pledge one's honour - English → Magyar
on one's mother's side - English → Magyar
to use one's influence - English → Magyar
to kilt up one's skirt - English → Magyar
to mark one's approval - English → Magyar
to overlap one another - English → Magyar
to pack up one's traps - English → Magyar
to take out one's pipe - English → Magyar
to swim for one's life - English → Magyar
to talk in one's boots - English → Magyar
one more go of brandy! - English → Magyar
to thumb one's nose at - English → Magyar
have one's heart in sg - English → Magyar
to stick to one's guns - English → Magyar
to behave as one ought - English → Magyar
to eat one's heart out - English → Magyar
to be up to one's task - English → Magyar
to make out one's case - English → Magyar
to lose one's foothold - English → Magyar
to slap one's forehead - English → Magyar
to gratify one's whims - English → Magyar
to remain for ever one - English → Magyar
in one's towering rage - English → Magyar
to assert one's rights - English → Magyar
to plod one's way back - English → Magyar
to cudgel one's brains - English → Magyar
to blow one's own horn - English → Magyar
to make one's way back - English → Magyar
to sow one's wild oats - English → Magyar
to take up one's abode - English → Magyar
to get one's rocks off - English → Magyar
to go to one's account - English → Magyar
in one's own household - English → Magyar
to dislocate one's arm - English → Magyar
to be at one's command - English → Magyar
one of these fine days - English → Magyar
of one's own free will - English → Magyar
to let one's hair down - English → Magyar
to ring one's own bell - English → Magyar
to do one's heart good - English → Magyar
money at one's command - English → Magyar
to exceed one's powers - English → Magyar
to retrace one's steps - English → Magyar
to peel off one's coat - English → Magyar
have one's glass empty - English → Magyar
to let down one's hair - English → Magyar
to stand on one's head - English → Magyar
to set off one's goods - English → Magyar
to chuck one's friends - English → Magyar
have one's face lifted - English → Magyar
to work one's head off - English → Magyar
to get out one's tools - English → Magyar
to lay down one's life - English → Magyar
to come by one's death - English → Magyar
to yield up one's soul - English → Magyar
to puzzle one's brains - English → Magyar
in one's shirt-sleeves - English → Magyar
to toot one's own horn - English → Magyar
all through one's life - English → Magyar
to be off one's rocker - English → Magyar
to put one's feet down - English → Magyar
to lay down one's arms - English → Magyar
one side of the larynx - English → Magyar
to set one's cap at sy - English → Magyar
to fear for one's skin - English → Magyar
have sy at one's heels - English → Magyar
we each earn one pound - English → Magyar
to sink on one's knees - English → Magyar
to return one's income - English → Magyar
to be one's own master - English → Magyar
to get one's monkey up - English → Magyar
to put down one's name - English → Magyar
have sg on one's hands - English → Magyar
to slip one's shoulder - English → Magyar
to strain one's powers - English → Magyar
to pull up one's socks - English → Magyar
to stand to one's word - English → Magyar
to prick up one's ears - English → Magyar
in one's own good time - English → Magyar
we earn one pound each - English → Magyar
to square one's elbows - English → Magyar
to gird on one's sword - English → Magyar
venting of one's anger - English → Magyar
to cash in one's chips - English → Magyar
ready with one's sword - English → Magyar
to take one's bearings - English → Magyar
to find one's way back - English → Magyar
to pin one's ears back - English → Magyar
to take to one's heels - English → Magyar
to turn on one's heels - English → Magyar
all one could wish for - English → Magyar
all by one's very self - English → Magyar
to come into one's own - English → Magyar
to turn one's toes out - English → Magyar
at one time or another - English → Magyar
to kick up one's heels - English → Magyar
to lift up one's voice - English → Magyar
to lose one's bearings - English → Magyar
to know one's own mind - English → Magyar
at one’s own expense - English → Magyar
in one's stocking feet - English → Magyar
false to one's husband - English → Magyar
to stick to one's post - English → Magyar
to go in on one's face - English → Magyar
have one's good points - English → Magyar
to fall to one's share - English → Magyar
to shit one's trousers - English → Magyar
have one's quiver full - English → Magyar
to pass in one's check - English → Magyar
to find one's bearings - English → Magyar
to be off one's stroke - English → Magyar
to walk in one's sleep - English → Magyar
to be in one's infancy - English → Magyar
to carry out one's bat - English → Magyar
to gird up one's loins - English → Magyar
to effect one's escape - English → Magyar
to be on one's lonesome - English → Magyar
to take up one's stance - English → Magyar
to get under one's skin - English → Magyar
on more scores than one - English → Magyar
to set one's mind on sg - English → Magyar
to make one's testament - English → Magyar
to interpose one's veto - English → Magyar
to take down one's hair - English → Magyar
to get one's arm broken - English → Magyar
to rally one's strength - English → Magyar
outlet for one's energy - English → Magyar
to forget one's manners - English → Magyar
to be one of the family - English → Magyar
to stop in one's tracks - English → Magyar
to cover one's expenses - English → Magyar
to bet one's shirt that - English → Magyar
to obtain one's deserts - English → Magyar
One Third Tubular Plate - English → Magyar
he is one of the family - English → Magyar
to maintain one's point - English → Magyar
to sell one's life dear - English → Magyar
to twiddle one's thumbs - English → Magyar
to volunteer one's help - English → Magyar
to take up one's duties - English → Magyar
to take one's hair down - English → Magyar
have under one's girdle - English → Magyar
to unburden one's heart - English → Magyar
the odds are ten to one - English → Magyar
to pool one's resources - English → Magyar
to dip into one's purse - English → Magyar
to settle one's affairs - English → Magyar
to spring to one's feet - English → Magyar
to be out of one's mind - English → Magyar
to put one's name to sg - English → Magyar
to shoot out one's lips - English → Magyar
to know one's way about - English → Magyar
to eat till one is full - English → Magyar
to idle one's time away - English → Magyar
to be out of one's wits - English → Magyar
One Third Tubular Plate - English → értelmezés
to pay one's duty to sy - English → Magyar
to get one's commission - English → Magyar
to serve one's sentence - English → Magyar
to pull off one's boots - English → Magyar
to put on one's clothes - English → Magyar
to be behind one's time - English → Magyar
to feel in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to give one's ear to sy - English → Magyar
to reckon in one's head - English → Magyar
to put one's case to sy - English → Magyar
to be before one's time - English → Magyar
to hold sg in one's lap - English → Magyar
to change one's clothes - English → Magyar
to pucker up one's lips - English → Magyar
to stick one's neck out - English → Magyar
proof of one's identity - English → Magyar
to take off one's shoes - English → Magyar
to set one's mind to sg - English → Magyar
to be at one's wits end - English → Magyar
to muster one's courage - English → Magyar
to shake in one's shoes - English → Magyar
to advance like one man - English → Magyar
to play one's part well - English → Magyar
to loaf away one's time - English → Magyar
to get one's palatinate - English → Magyar
to be out of one's time - English → Magyar
to hold sg on one's lap - English → Magyar
to fix sg in one's mind - English → Magyar
to effect one's purpose - English → Magyar
to moon away one's time - English → Magyar
to stand on one's guard - English → Magyar
to come to one's senses - English → Magyar
to overstay one's leave - English → Magyar
to look down one's nose - English → Magyar
to mope away one's time - English → Magyar
to play one's role well - English → Magyar
to straighten one's tie - English → Magyar
to be out of one's head - English → Magyar
to draw on one's memory - English → Magyar
to find one's way about - English → Magyar
to laugh one's head off - English → Magyar
to report to one's unit - English → Magyar
to put out one's tongue - English → Magyar
to round on one's heels - English → Magyar
to laugh in one's beard - English → Magyar
to wolf down one's food - English → Magyar
thousand and one nights - English → Magyar
to hang up one's fiddle - English → Magyar
have one's tooth filled - English → Magyar
to betray one's country - English → Magyar
to take off one's boots - English → Magyar
to take one's departure - English → Magyar
to throw in one's cards - English → Magyar
to play one's last card - English → Magyar
to get into one's books - English → Magyar
to beguile one's sorrow - English → Magyar
to prove one's identity - English → Magyar
to play one's best card - English → Magyar
to run into one another - English → Magyar
work done at one stroke - English → Magyar
to unloose one's tongue - English → Magyar
have another one on me! - English → Magyar
to spoil one's appetite - English → Magyar
to stretch one's powers - English → Magyar
to hold on one's course - English → Magyar
to weep one's heart out - English → Magyar
to go out of one's mind - English → Magyar
to narrow one's eyelids - English → Magyar
have sy in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to forfeit one's honour - English → Magyar
to do one's daily stint - English → Magyar
to pack up one's things - English → Magyar
to maintain one's right - English → Magyar
foolish one i knew all! - English → Magyar
to make good one's word - English → Magyar
to cock one's eye at sy - English → Magyar
to cling to one another - English → Magyar
pour me out a stiff one - English → Magyar
to piss on one's parade - English → Magyar
to disburden one's mind - English → Magyar
have sg up one's sleeve - English → Magyar
to carry all before one - English → Magyar
to hold one's head high - English → Magyar
to laugh till one cries - English → Magyar
clever with one's hands - English → Magyar
either one or the other - English → Magyar
to pawn one's good name - English → Magyar
to let one's legs swing - English → Magyar
to forswear one's books - English → Magyar
to lift one's hat to sy - English → Magyar
to settle one's daughter - English → Magyar
have fire in one's belly - English → Magyar
to mend up one's clothes - English → Magyar
to buckle on one's sword - English → Magyar
to withdraw one's custom - English → Magyar
to thrill one's audience - English → Magyar
to be out of one's skull - English → Magyar
to lend one's name to sg - English → Magyar
with a flea in one's ear - English → Magyar
to meet one's commitment - English → Magyar
to straighten one's back - English → Magyar
to draw on one's savings - English → Magyar
to go beyond one's depth - English → Magyar
to raise one's hat to sy - English → Magyar
to make one's blood boil - English → Magyar
to one's heart's content - English → Magyar
to bottle up one's anger - English → Magyar
to roll up one's sleeves - English → Magyar
to look after number one - English → Magyar
no one answered the bell - English → Magyar
give as good as one gets - English → Magyar
to be beyond one's power - English → Magyar
to run one's car into sg - English → Magyar
to meet one's obligation - English → Magyar
in one continuous stream - English → Magyar
to go out of one's depth - English → Magyar
to improve one's talents - English → Magyar
to fall into one's hands - English → Magyar
to renounce one's claims - English → Magyar
to win sy to one's cause - English → Magyar
to set up one's bristles - English → Magyar
to outstay one's welcome - English → Magyar
to uncork one's feelings - English → Magyar
to turn up one's sleeves - English → Magyar
to be on one's beam-ends - English → Magyar
to make good one's claim - English → Magyar
to bump one's head on sg - English → Magyar
to know one's way around - English → Magyar
One Fourth Tubular Plate - English → Magyar
to pin one's hopes on sg - English → Magyar
to change one's quarters - English → Magyar
to go one better than sy - English → Magyar
to take sg on one's back - English → Magyar
to recover one's balance - English → Magyar
to level one's gun at sy - English → Magyar
to get one's thing at x. - English → Magyar
which one will you have? - English → Magyar
have a cast in one's eye - English → Magyar
to play one's cards well - English → Magyar
One Fourth Tubular Plate - English → értelmezés
to pin one's faith to sy - English → Magyar
to be dead on one's feet - English → Magyar
to dispose of one's time - English → Magyar
to pencil one's eyebrows - English → Magyar
to work for one's living - English → Magyar
have a drop in one's eye - English → Magyar
to develop one's talents - English → Magyar
to get one's second wind - English → Magyar
to remeasure one's steps - English → Magyar
to be down on one's luck - English → Magyar
to the top of one's bent - English → Magyar
to pull one's finger out - English → Magyar
to shoot one's last bolt - English → Magyar
to put one's trust in sy - English → Magyar
to play one's last stake - English → Magyar
sy after one's own heart - English → Magyar
to laugh in one's sleeve - English → Magyar
one's nerves are on edge - English → Magyar
to leave one's situation - English → Magyar
to tighten one's grip on - English → Magyar
to cover up one's tracks - English → Magyar
to vent one's gall on sy - English → Magyar
to stick in one's throat - English → Magyar
to be against one's mind - English → Magyar
to lose one's little all - English → Magyar
to pin one's faith on sy - English → Magyar
to be true to one's salt - English → Magyar
to take one's own course - English → Magyar
to be on one's last pins - English → Magyar
to be much to one's mind - English → Magyar
to laugh up one's sleeve - English → Magyar
to bottle up one's wrath - English → Magyar
to do all in one's power - English → Magyar
one's thoughts run on sg - English → Magyar
to twirl one's moustache - English → Magyar
to turn one's back on sy - English → Magyar
to make one's appearance - English → Magyar
to pay for one's whistle - English → Magyar
to look to one's laurels - English → Magyar
to be easy in one's mind - English → Magyar
to ride one's high horse - English → Magyar
to give one's mind to sg - English → Magyar
to pull on one's clothes - English → Magyar
to shrug one's shoulders - English → Magyar
to press one's advantage - English → Magyar
to lose one's last shift - English → Magyar
to find sg to one's mind - English → Magyar
will you make one of us? - English → Magyar
it is enough to kill one - English → Magyar
to reveal one's identity - English → Magyar
to send one's love to sy - English → Magyar
to settle one's children - English → Magyar
to pucker up one's brows - English → Magyar
have one's money's worth - English → Magyar
to game away one's money - English → Magyar
to uphold one's position - English → Magyar
to go to one's long home - English → Magyar
at the end of one's rope - English → Magyar
true to one's principles - English → Magyar
to be on one's last legs - English → Magyar
to throw out one's chest - English → Magyar
blot on one's escutcheon - English → Magyar
to look one's last on sg - English → Magyar
to define one's position - English → Magyar
to let sy have one's head - English → Magyar
have one's arm in a sling - English → Magyar
it is one of those things - English → Magyar
have the world before one - English → Magyar
to find sg to one's taste - English → Magyar
to talk through one's hat - English → Magyar
to make one's flesh creep - English → Magyar
to footle away one's time - English → Magyar
to take care what one say - English → Magyar
to peddle away one's time - English → Magyar
to thumb one's fingers at - English → Magyar
to bulge out one's cheeks - English → Magyar
to conduct one's own case - English → Magyar
to put sg in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to relax in one's efforts - English → Magyar
to be out of one's senses - English → Magyar
to let sy know one's mind - English → Magyar
my call is a business one - English → Magyar
beyond one's expectations - English → Magyar
to wash one's hands of sg - English → Magyar
to mind one's p's and q's - English → Magyar
to get on with one's work - English → Magyar
to put one's pen to paper - English → Magyar
to be slack at one's work - English → Magyar
to give one's life to god - English → Magyar
to merge into one another - English → Magyar
to stay beyond one's time - English → Magyar
to be ahead of one's time - English → Magyar
to show one's credentials - English → Magyar
to go into one's tantrums - English → Magyar
to assert one's innocence - English → Magyar
one's own flesh and blood - English → Magyar
to make one's way in life - English → Magyar
to go outside one's range - English → Magyar
to pick up one's moorings - English → Magyar
to sell one's life dearly - English → Magyar
to give one's hair a comb - English → Magyar
to scream out one's lungs - English → Magyar
to set one's pen to paper - English → Magyar
to force back one's tears - English → Magyar
to vindicate one's rights - English → Magyar
to vacate one's residence - English → Magyar
to overtax one's strength - English → Magyar
to wear ring in one's ear - English → Magyar
to wag one's finger at sy - English → Magyar
to sully one's escutcheon - English → Magyar
to throw one's arms about - English → Magyar
to get down to one's work - English → Magyar
to cry out with one voice - English → Magyar
to make up one's accounts - English → Magyar
to stroke out one's beard - English → Magyar
to escape with one's life - English → Magyar
to assert one's claims to - English → Magyar
not to stint one's praise - English → Magyar
have sown one's wild oats - English → Magyar
to be at one's last shift - English → Magyar
to get out of one's books - English → Magyar
to go down on one's knees - English → Magyar
to put sy in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to make good one's escape - English → Magyar
to take up one's domicile - English → Magyar
under one's father's will - English → Magyar
consonant with one's duty - English → Magyar
to make one's plans known - English → Magyar
to each one his due share - English → Magyar
to stick to one's purpose - English → Magyar
to misconceive one's duty - English → Magyar
to be merry in one's cups - English → Magyar
to blow one's own trumpet - English → Magyar
have one's nerves on edge - English → Magyar
to put one's signet to sg - English → Magyar
to flaunt one's knowledge - English → Magyar
to give sy one's blessing - English → Magyar
to go beyond one's powers - English → Magyar
to maintain one's silence - English → Magyar
to moulder in one's grave - English → Magyar
to loiter away one's time - English → Magyar
to take up one's dwelling - English → Magyar
to dive into one's pocket - English → Magyar
to gratify one's passions - English → Magyar
to go home to one's woods - English → Magyar
to take one's cue from sy - English → Magyar
to better than one's word - English → Magyar
the whole of one's family - English → Magyar
to thank one's lucky star - English → Magyar
to compose one's thoughts - English → Magyar
to be fond of one's glass - English → Magyar
to start from one's chair - English → Magyar
to suffer in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to set one's arms a-kimbo - English → Magyar
to feel sg in one's bones - English → Magyar
just to one's engagements - English → Magyar
to be in one's right mind - English → Magyar
to fix one's choice on sy - English → Magyar
to show one's face swhere - English → Magyar
to obtain one's captaincy - English → Magyar
to sit in one's own light - English → Magyar
to paralyse one's efforts - English → Magyar
to take up one's quarters - English → Magyar
to stick in one's gizzard - English → Magyar
to open one's heart to sy - English → Magyar
to put one's back into it - English → Magyar
to land one's horse first - English → Magyar
at the back of one's mind - English → Magyar
to hack one's way through - English → Magyar
to get into one's strides - English → Magyar
to fling one's arms about - English → Magyar
to tender one's apologies - English → Magyar
to take off one's clothes - English → Magyar
to get out of one's skull - English → Magyar
to get beyond one's depth - English → Magyar
have one's pound of flesh - English → Magyar
to square one's shoulders - English → Magyar
to gain one's subsistence - English → Magyar
to get off one's daughter - English → Magyar
to make one's flesh crawl - English → Magyar
to fiddle away one's time - English → Magyar
according to one's lights - English → Magyar
at the top of one's voice - English → Magyar
to see one's way to do sg - English → Magyar
to cork up one's feelings - English → Magyar
to bite one's thumb at sy - English → Magyar
to take sy to one's bosom - English → Magyar
to jump out of one's skin - English → Magyar
to start on one's journey - English → Magyar
one neutralizes the other - English → Magyar
to paddle one's own canoe - English → Magyar
to overdraw one's account - English → Magyar
to get sg into one's head - English → Magyar
to shoot out one's tongue - English → Magyar
to get out of one's depth - English → Magyar
to meet one's engagements - English → Magyar
to go out of one's way to - English → Magyar
to get one's knife into sy - English → Magyar
to trot out one's children - English → Magyar
to enfold sy in one's arms - English → Magyar
one is as bad as the other - English → Magyar
to give sy one on the nose - English → Magyar
have to put down one's car - English → Magyar
one cannot always be right - English → Magyar
to press sy to one's heart - English → Magyar
to hitch up one's trousers - English → Magyar
to huddle on one's clothes - English → Magyar
to make one's money go far - English → Magyar
to fulfil one's obligation - English → Magyar
have a run for one's money - English → Magyar
to use one's opportunities - English → Magyar
to roll one's sleeves down - English → Magyar
to do sg on one's own hook - English → Magyar
to get down on one's knees - English → Magyar
to leave one's boots there - English → Magyar
to hang on to one's mother - English → Magyar
to take sg into one's head - English → Magyar
there is one sheet wanting - English → Magyar
to be down on one's uppers - English → Magyar
my visit is a business one - English → Magyar
to stick to one's opinions - English → Magyar
to take care of number one - English → Magyar
to be ahead of one's times - English → Magyar
by the skin of one's teeth - English → Magyar
to get down to one's knees - English → Magyar
pressed by one's creditors - English → Magyar
to be wobbly on one's pins - English → Magyar
to make one's pile with sg - English → Magyar
to make one's wishes known - English → Magyar
to take sg for one's basis - English → Magyar
to sleep with one eye open - English → Magyar
to recover one's composure - English → Magyar
to make one mouthful of sg - English → Magyar
to give sy one's good word - English → Magyar
to be fool for one's pains - English → Magyar
to take sg in one's stride - English → Magyar
to let go one's hold of sg - English → Magyar
to retire into one's shell - English → Magyar
to put one's shoulders out - English → Magyar
to set one's heart at rest - English → Magyar
to wheel round one's chair - English → Magyar
that's one way of doing it - English → Magyar
sg for one's bottom drawer - English → Magyar
to stand one in good stead - English → Magyar
to maintain one's position - English → Magyar
have a job in one's offing - English → Magyar
to resign one's commission - English → Magyar
to muster up one's courage - English → Magyar
to lose one's self-control - English → Magyar
to slough one's prejudices - English → Magyar
to plaster down one's hair - English → Magyar
according to one's deserts - English → Magyar
he was one too many for me - English → Magyar
to set one's teeth on edge - English → Magyar
first cousin at one remove - English → Magyar
to poke one's nose into sg - English → Magyar
to amend one's way of life - English → Magyar
unsparing in one's efforts - English → Magyar
to aim one's remarks at sy - English → Magyar
to take up one's residence - English → Magyar
to get on one's high horse - English → Magyar
One-lung Ventilation (OLV) - English → Magyar
to succeed in one's object - English → Magyar
to look after one's fences - English → Magyar
to throw off one's reserve - English → Magyar
to one's no small surprise - English → Magyar
to set one's face for home - English → Magyar
to be proud of one's acres - English → Magyar
to get one's claes into sy - English → Magyar
to earn one's living by sg - English → Magyar
to pay one's address to sy - English → Magyar
to lay one's accounts with - English → Magyar
to strike out on one's own - English → Magyar
by the sweat of one's brow - English → Magyar
to husband one's resources - English → Magyar
to shake one's faith in sg - English → Magyar
to wreak one's anger on sy - English → Magyar
to fry in one's own grease - English → Magyar
to raise the bar one notch - English → Magyar
to land sy one in the face - English → Magyar
to be uneasy in one's mind - English → Magyar
have a handle to one's name - English → Magyar
to be a genius in one's way - English → Magyar
to give up one's life to sg - English → Magyar
to speak out one's thoughts - English → Magyar
to be hard on one's clothes - English → Magyar
have the wind of one's game - English → Magyar
to resign one's soul to god - English → Magyar
sombre chapte of one's life - English → Magyar
to make up one's mind to sg - English → Magyar
it's a thousand to one that - English → Magyar
have the run of one's teeth - English → Magyar
to advise with one's pillow - English → Magyar
to barter away one's honour - English → Magyar
week's growth on one's chin - English → Magyar
have only got one's deserts - English → Magyar
to put one's dress in order - English → Magyar
to take wine to one's lunch - English → Magyar
to put spurs to one's horse - English → Magyar
to want one's money's worth - English → Magyar
to sleep with one's fathers - English → Magyar
to put sg into one's pocket - English → Magyar
have the wind in one's face - English → Magyar
to pare down one's expenses - English → Magyar
to stub out one's cigarette - English → Magyar
to be up to one's standards - English → Magyar
to give sy sg in one's will - English → Magyar
to wrap one's car around sg - English → Magyar
for one's own gratification - English → Magyar
to set spurs to one's horse - English → Magyar
to find one's account in sg - English → Magyar
to give sy one's confidence - English → Magyar
to take off one's hat to sy - English → Magyar
he takes spades from no one - English → Magyar
have a pain in one's inside - English → Magyar
inebriated by one's success - English → Magyar
to be at one's finger's end - English → Magyar
have sg in one's possession - English → Magyar
have one's tongue well hung - English → Magyar
to throw one's weight about - English → Magyar
at the hazard of one's life - English → Magyar
to stick up for one's right - English → Magyar
to put in one's time sewing - English → Magyar
this is one of his off days - English → Magyar
to get one's face in a knot - English → Magyar
one of the best firms going - English → Magyar
to speak under one's breath - English → Magyar
to be taken off one's guard - English → Magyar
with one's back to the wall - English → Magyar
good husband of one's money - English → Magyar
maintenance of one's rights - English → Magyar
to unfold one's plans to sy - English → Magyar
to press sy to one's breast - English → Magyar
have a card up one's sleeve - English → Magyar
to chuck one's weight about - English → Magyar
to take one's stand near sg - English → Magyar
to be so good as one's word - English → Magyar
you gotta give me one thing - English → Magyar
to straighten one's affairs - English → Magyar
expect as good as one gives - English → Magyar
to be as good as one's word - English → Magyar
to take up one's indentures - English → Magyar
to give one's face the wash - English → Magyar
to relieve one's sufferings - English → Magyar
to tie one's face in a knot - English → Magyar
have the time of one's life - English → Magyar
to give vent to one's anger - English → Magyar
to sink one's tooth into sg - English → Magyar
to give one's hair a smooth - English → Magyar
to get sg out of one's head - English → Magyar
have sg on one's conscience - English → Magyar
to leave one's mark upon sg - English → Magyar
have one's place in the sun - English → Magyar
to edge one's way out of sg - English → Magyar
to take sy under one's wing - English → Magyar
as checking at one's voyage - English → Magyar
to perform one's quarantine - English → Magyar
to tighten one's grip round - English → Magyar
to speak through one's nose - English → Magyar
to trot out one's knowledge - English → Magyar
have an ace up one's sleeve - English → Magyar
to make one's muscles lithe - English → Magyar
to throw two rooms into one - English → Magyar
to get sg out of one's mind - English → Magyar
to put sg out of one's head - English → Magyar
to take sy to live with one - English → Magyar
to show what one is made of - English → Magyar
to put an end to one's life - English → Magyar
with all one's kith and kin - English → Magyar
to laugh up to one's sleeve - English → Magyar
to commit one's soul to god - English → Magyar
have the ball at one's feet - English → Magyar
have the run of one's knife - English → Magyar
to stick sg in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to put sg out of one's mind - English → Magyar
to be true to one's promise - English → Magyar
like a hen with one chicken - English → Magyar
to give up one's seat to sy - English → Magyar
to give sy one's word for sg - English → Magyar
to present one's credentials - English → Magyar
have the wind in one's teeth - English → Magyar
to clap spurs to one's horse - English → Magyar
to succumb to one's injuries - English → Magyar
to bend one's steps homeward - English → Magyar
to be flush with one's money - English → Magyar
to wreak one's anger upon sy - English → Magyar
to mark one's displeasure by - English → Magyar
this page and the one before - English → Magyar
have nothing for one's pains - English → Magyar
in the bosom of one's family - English → Magyar
to set up one's abode swhere - English → Magyar
to set one's hat at an angle - English → Magyar
to be carried off one's legs - English → Magyar
to fall dead in one's tracks - English → Magyar
to grain sg under one's heel - English → Magyar
to be happy in one's own way - English → Magyar
to take care of one's health - English → Magyar
it is but one remove from sg - English → Magyar
to consult with one's pillow - English → Magyar
have one's pains for nothing - English → Magyar
to besmirch one's escutcheon - English → Magyar
have no feeling in one's arm - English → Magyar
to let lose one`s hold of sg - English → Magyar
have one's licence withdrawn - English → Magyar
to walk with one's head high - English → Magyar
to be always on one's tracks - English → Magyar
to do sg of one's own choice - English → Magyar
to take off all one's things - English → Magyar
to satisfy one's whim for sg - English → Magyar
to be out in one's reckoning - English → Magyar
to be caught off one's guard - English → Magyar
inspiration of one's teacher - English → Magyar
no one knows his whereabouts - English → Magyar
to reckon without one's host - English → Magyar
to take one's farewell of sy - English → Magyar
to bring sy under one's sway - English → Magyar
to stop dead in one's tracks - English → Magyar
have a hundred men under one - English → Magyar
in one's best bib and tucker - English → Magyar
butterflies in one's stomach - English → Magyar
to do one's military service - English → Magyar
to meet one's doom at swhere - English → Magyar
to visit one's new neighbour - English → Magyar
to set one's wits to work to - English → Magyar
to give one's wife a divorce - English → Magyar
to re-establish one's health - English → Magyar
with the skin of one's teeth - English → Magyar
to throw one's weight around - English → Magyar
to drink more than one ought - English → Magyar
to work one's way through sg - English → Magyar
to put one's signature to sg - English → Magyar
to stub one's toe against sg - English → Magyar
application to one's studies - English → Magyar
to be taken for one's sister - English → Magyar
to discharge one's functions - English → Magyar
to guzzle away one's fortune - English → Magyar
to conceit upon one's father - English → Magyar
to the marrow of one's bones - English → Magyar
to let lose one's hold of sg - English → Magyar
to marry below one's station - English → Magyar
to give one's vote by rising - English → Magyar
to the utmost of one's power - English → Magyar
to give of one's superfluity - English → Magyar
to draw on one's imagination - English → Magyar
to get one's rocks off on sg - English → Magyar
to throw up one's commission - English → Magyar
to give one's head a scratch - English → Magyar
to grind sg under one's heel - English → Magyar
to answer one's expectations - English → Magyar
to carry sg under one's arms - English → Magyar
to put one's funds in common - English → Magyar
to find one's way to a place - English → Magyar
to recognize sy as one's son - English → Magyar
at the zenith of one's power - English → Magyar
to be confined to one's room - English → Magyar
to run one's head against sg - English → Magyar
to make one's way towards sy - English → Magyar
to set one's face against sg - English → Magyar
to show one's true character - English → Magyar
to take sy under one's wings - English → Magyar
to be false to one's husband - English → Magyar
to cast in one's lot with sy - English → Magyar
to bet a hundred to one that - English → Magyar
to dedicate one's life to sg - English → Magyar
to get ideas into one's head - English → Magyar
to go on one's way rejoicing - English → Magyar
to find one's way undirected - English → Magyar
to make up one's mind for sg - English → Magyar
according to one's own story - English → Magyar
to make one's home somewhere - English → Magyar
to take a pull at one's pipe - English → Magyar
to work with all one's might - English → Magyar
to exact one's pound of flesh - English → Magyar
to be a weight off one's mind - English → Magyar
to let one's mind run upon sg - English → Magyar
to throw in one's lot with sy - English → Magyar
to go as hard as one can lick - English → Magyar
to rush through one's prayers - English → Magyar
to crane one's neck to see sg - English → Magyar
taking one thing with another - English → Magyar
two heads are better than one - English → Magyar
to see one's fortune engulfed - English → Magyar
to help sy in one's small way - English → Magyar
to be sparing in one's praise - English → Magyar
have good lines in one's face - English → Magyar
to be balked of one's desires - English → Magyar
to carry the world before one - English → Magyar
to bump one's head against sg - English → Magyar
to go through all one's money - English → Magyar
from one extreme to the other - English → Magyar
to re-establish one's affairs - English → Magyar
have a chip on one's shoulder - English → Magyar
to serve one's apprenticeship - English → Magyar
to give one's attention to sy - English → Magyar
to be negligent in one's work - English → Magyar
to put a crimp in one's style - English → Magyar
to make a good of one's belly - English → Magyar
to level one's gun against sy - English → Magyar
to impress sy in one's favour - English → Magyar
to wind sy round one's finger - English → Magyar
to lose one's hold on reality - English → Magyar
to asseverate one's innocence - English → Magyar
to crush one's way through sg - English → Magyar
to want more than one's share - English → Magyar
to hide one's diminished head - English → Magyar
to stub one's foot against sg - English → Magyar
one can tell him by his voice - English → Magyar
to smite one's hands together - English → Magyar
to be pitched off one's horse - English → Magyar
not find it in one's heart to - English → Magyar
to go counter to one's orders - English → Magyar
to be out of one's indentures - English → Magyar
to put down one's name for sg - English → Magyar
to be engrossed in one's work - English → Magyar
to swallow sg at one mouthful - English → Magyar
there is only one course open - English → Magyar
to send sy one's kind regards - English → Magyar
to add a string to one's lute - English → Magyar
to put one's shirt on a horse - English → Magyar
to do things in one's own way - English → Magyar
to be unfailing in one's duty - English → Magyar
have a run in one's stockings - English → Magyar
counter to one's inclinations - English → Magyar
at the meridian of one's life - English → Magyar
to stick a rose in one's hair - English → Magyar
to hack one's chin in shaving - English → Magyar
showing one's identity papers - English → Magyar
inattention to one's business - English → Magyar
to put one's head in chancery - English → Magyar
second child of one's parents - English → Magyar
to give way to one's emotions - English → Magyar
infection of one's excitement - English → Magyar
with all one's heart and soul - English → Magyar
have friends staying with one - English → Magyar
to listen with all one's ears - English → Magyar
to do justice to one's talent - English → Magyar
have one's head in the clouds - English → Magyar
to act up to one's principles - English → Magyar
to condescend to one's public - English → Magyar
no one man could have done it - English → Magyar
to take leave of one's senses - English → Magyar
come round and see me one day - English → Magyar
to stick to one's own country - English → Magyar
to take one's master's degree - English → Magyar
to look down one's nose at sy - English → Magyar
to turn one's mind to a study - English → Magyar
to restore sy to one's favour - English → Magyar
have two strings to one's bow - English → Magyar
to push one's way into swhere - English → Magyar
have a clear field before one - English → Magyar
to signify one's satisfaction - English → Magyar
to talk down to one's audience - English → Magyar
to carry everything before one - English → Magyar
to throw one's hat in the ring - English → Magyar
to arrange one's hair in curls - English → Magyar
to take the bit in one's teeth - English → Magyar
to wheedle one's way to swhere - English → Magyar
to take a whim into one's head - English → Magyar
to give one's opponent a leave - English → Magyar
at the meridian of one's glory - English → Magyar
to hitch one's wagon to a star - English → Magyar
to wreathe one's arms about sy - English → Magyar
to plough one's way through sg - English → Magyar
to sit one's final examination - English → Magyar
to walk to settle one's dinner - English → Magyar
to be out in one's calculation - English → Magyar
to be blind to one's interests - English → Magyar
to be caught in one's own trap - English → Magyar
have a head on one's shoulders - English → Magyar
have nowhere to lay one's head - English → Magyar
have everyone about one's ears - English → Magyar
to laugh till one's sides ache - English → Magyar
to wreathe one's arms round sy - English → Magyar
to give sy as good as one gets - English → Magyar
to pin a flower on one's dress - English → Magyar
to be a prisoner to one's room - English → Magyar
to be effusive in one's thanks - English → Magyar
something to hang one's hat on - English → Magyar
to act counter to one's orders - English → Magyar
to inflict one's company on sy - English → Magyar
to ride a child on one's knees - English → Magyar
to bestow one's favour upon sy - English → Magyar
to break one's ticket of leave - English → Magyar
to make one's first appearance - English → Magyar
with the tongue in one's cheek - English → Magyar
to bulge one's pockets with sg - English → Magyar
to give one's whole time to sg - English → Magyar
to be up to one's ears in work - English → Magyar
to thread one's way through sg - English → Magyar
to hack at sy with one's sword - English → Magyar
to make one's way in the world - English → Magyar
to make holes in one's capital - English → Magyar
to go on one's hands and knees - English → Magyar
to be profuse in one's praises - English → Magyar
no one has come that i know of - English → Magyar
to begin to feel to one's feet - English → Magyar
to run counter to one's orders - English → Magyar
to make the best of one's time - English → Magyar
to make sy free of one's house - English → Magyar
to catch one's death of a cold - English → Magyar
to take sy under one's shelter - English → Magyar
to reel off one's list of woes - English → Magyar
one can tell he is intelligent - English → Magyar
from the bottom of one's heart - English → Magyar
to eat as much as one can hold - English → Magyar
to do one's best endeavours to - English → Magyar
to unfold one's troubles to sy - English → Magyar
to trample sg under one's feet - English → Magyar
to put one's best leg foremost - English → Magyar
to get too big for one's boots - English → Magyar
to set one's bag for an office - English → Magyar
to make up one's mind to do sg - English → Magyar
to buy sg on one's own account - English → Magyar
have the gallows in one's face - English → Magyar
to give an edge to one's style - English → Magyar
to let loose one's indignation - English → Magyar
to demand one's pound of flesh - English → Magyar
it is just one of those things - English → Magyar
to get too big for one's shoes - English → Magyar
to lie in one's power to do sg - English → Magyar
to return from one's wandering - English → Magyar
to give one's trousers a hitch - English → Magyar
to give sy a bit of one's mind - English → Magyar
he's one of these artist chaps - English → Magyar
to hold one's ear to the ground - English → Magyar
that's one way of looking at it - English → Magyar
to be unsparing of one's health - English → Magyar
to be master of one's own house - English → Magyar
have everything in one's favour - English → Magyar
to put one's cards on the table - English → Magyar
to make a dent in one's fortune - English → Magyar
to lunge at sy with one's stick - English → Magyar
half one thing and half another - English → Magyar
have sg to show for one's money - English → Magyar
have a surprise up one's sleeve - English → Magyar
for the remainder of one's life - English → Magyar
have it in one's power to do sg - English → Magyar
to offer sy one's felicitations - English → Magyar
to do sg with one's whole heart - English → Magyar
to carry one's arm at the trail - English → Magyar
to be liberal of one's promises - English → Magyar
to be in surroundings one knows - English → Magyar
to make one's mark as a scholar - English → Magyar
to set bounds to one's ambition - English → Magyar
to go out of one's way to do sg - English → Magyar
to put one's pen through a word - English → Magyar
to straighten out one's affairs - English → Magyar
to put a curb on one's passions - English → Magyar
what with one thing and another - English → Magyar
to invest oneself in one's coat - English → Magyar
to be pegged down to one's work - English → Magyar
to mingle one's tears with sy's - English → Magyar
to lay one's cards on the table - English → Magyar
to be just to one's engagements - English → Magyar
to commune with one's own heart - English → Magyar
to make one's way into the home - English → Magyar
to be through one's examination - English → Magyar
to get one's foot on the ladder - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of one toe - English → Magyar
to quarrel with one's own shadow - English → Magyar
to screw one's face into a smile - English → Magyar
to remain in one's proper sphere - English → Magyar
to shuffle off one's mortal coil - English → Magyar
to close one's ears to the truth - English → Magyar
to take one's slipper to a child - English → Magyar
to take in a reef in one's dress - English → Magyar
to run one's head against a post - English → Magyar
to lose one's infatuation for sg - English → Magyar
to be at rest with one's fathers - English → Magyar
to lay odds of three to one that - English → Magyar
to be an honour to one's country - English → Magyar
to occupy one's time in doing sg - English → Magyar
to forfeit one's driving licence - English → Magyar
to be cock on one's own dunghill - English → Magyar
to give sy a cut with one's whip - English → Magyar
to answer for sg with one's life - English → Magyar
to talk of one thing and another - English → Magyar
earnest of one's good intentions - English → Magyar
to lie cross to one's experience - English → Magyar
to be quite one's old self again - English → Magyar
to betake oneself to one's heels - English → Magyar
to make one's bow to the company - English → Magyar
to jostle one's way to the front - English → Magyar
to be profuse in one's apologies - English → Magyar
to take sy into one's confidence - English → Magyar
to be in the flower of one's age - English → Magyar
to pay the forfeit of one's life - English → Magyar
showing of one's identity papers - English → Magyar
to do sg on one's own initiative - English → Magyar
i'm not much of a one for sweets - English → Magyar
to be impulsive in one's actions - English → Magyar
in the privacy of one's thoughts - English → Magyar
to call at a pub for a quick one - English → Magyar
to lose one's infatuation for sy - English → Magyar
to spread out one's handkerchief - English → Magyar
to take one's meals out of doors - English → Magyar
to churn a thought in one's mind - English → Magyar
to be tenacious of one's opinion - English → Magyar
to be afraid of one's own shadow - English → Magyar
to be behindhand with one's work - English → Magyar
to make a rod for one's own back - English → Magyar
to wreak one's vengeance upon sy - English → Magyar
hands stuck deep in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to lay down one's knife and fork - English → Magyar
to come to the end of one's rope - English → Magyar
to lay one's homage at sy's feet - English → Magyar
to make a dive into one's pocket - English → Magyar
to wheedle one's way into swhere - English → Magyar
to be insensible of one's danger - English → Magyar
have taken leave of one's senses - English → Magyar
to give sy a piece of one's mind - English → Magyar
to put one's thoughts into words - English → Magyar
to nourish a snake in one's bosom - English → Magyar
have butterflies in one's stomach - English → Magyar
to be hoist with one's own petard - English → Magyar
to hold one's sides with laughter - English → Magyar
to consume one's life in doing sg - English → Magyar
to be effusive in one's gratitude - English → Magyar
not to have a shirt to one's back - English → Magyar
to bring one's rifle to port arms - English → Magyar
to throw one's cards on the table - English → Magyar
to put one's arm round sy's waist - English → Magyar
have the blue chips on one's side - English → Magyar
have more than one's share of wit - English → Magyar
to take one's foot off the clutch - English → Magyar
to know what one is talking about - English → Magyar
to count one's luggage on arrival - English → Magyar
to take one's inspiration from sy - English → Magyar
to bear one's share of the burden - English → Magyar
Unqualified visual loss - one eye - English → Magyar
as far as lies within one's power - English → Magyar
to let one's thoughts dwell on sg - English → Magyar
to let sg slip from one's fingers - English → Magyar
to take a sum out of one's income - English → Magyar
with dignity proper to one's rank - English → Magyar
have pins and needles in one's sg - English → Magyar
to take sy under one's protection - English → Magyar
to take one's share of the burden - English → Magyar
to become one's proper self again - English → Magyar
there is no one to set beside him - English → Magyar
to bring one's mind to bear on sg - English → Magyar
to hitch one's chair to the table - English → Magyar
to put one's horse across a hedge - English → Magyar
to bring a storm about one's ears - English → Magyar
shall we say one hundred forints? - English → Magyar
to throw one's cares to the winds - English → Magyar
to cut off more than one can chew - English → Magyar
to shout at the top of one's lung - English → Magyar
to hang up one's hat in sy's home - English → Magyar
to cherish a snake in one's bosom - English → Magyar
to put one's shoulder to the wheel - English → Magyar
to take one's stand on a principle - English → Magyar
to put in one's head at the window - English → Magyar
to make it one's business to do sg - English → Magyar
to set one's shoulder to the wheel - English → Magyar
to warm the cockles of one's heart - English → Magyar
to take sg as one's starting point - English → Magyar
to square sg with one's conscience - English → Magyar
to do sg to salve one's conscience - English → Magyar
Place one tablet under your tongue - English → Magyar
to occupy one's time with doing sg - English → Magyar
to walk with one's head in the air - English → Magyar
to give one's daughter in marriage - English → Magyar
to go about one's lawful occasions - English → Magyar
to be full of one's own importance - English → Magyar
to take one's power from the mains - English → Magyar
to leave nothing to one's opponent - English → Magyar
to drink more than is good for one - English → Magyar
to be conspicuous by one's absence - English → Magyar
to make the best use of one's time - English → Magyar
to set off one colour with another - English → Magyar
to be without a roof to one's head - English → Magyar
to dedicate one's pen to the truth - English → Magyar
to bite off more than one can chew - English → Magyar
to pickle a rod for one's own back - English → Magyar
to put one's finger on a weak spot - English → Magyar
to make one's way through the crowd - English → Magyar
have a good head on one's shoulders - English → Magyar
to give a free range to one's fancy - English → Magyar
to be no better thatn one should be - English → Magyar
to express one's satisfaction at sg - English → Magyar
to paint sy in one's proper colours - English → Magyar
to be attentive to one's interesets - English → Magyar
one must draw the line at somewhere - English → Magyar
to take it into one's head to do sg - English → Magyar
to stand with one's feet wide apart - English → Magyar
to give sy a stick to beat one with - English → Magyar
to happen one out of thousand times - English → Magyar
to swing a parcer from one's finger - English → Magyar
to make one's entrance into a house - English → Magyar
to wash one's dirty linen in public - English → Magyar
to skip from one subject to another - English → Magyar
to say first one thing than another - English → Magyar
to give a porter one's bag to carry - English → Magyar
to push one's way through the crowd - English → Magyar
to make a parade of one's knowledge - English → Magyar
to modulate from one key to another - English → Magyar
to cast one's bread upon the waters - English → Magyar
to stick unabashed to one's opinion - English → Magyar
to will one's property away from sy - English → Magyar
to feel the effect of one's illness - English → Magyar
to blush to the roots of one's hair - English → Magyar
to put on one's best bib and tucker - English → Magyar
to go from one extreme to the other - English → Magyar
to go out of one's way to oblige sy - English → Magyar
to toast one's feet before the fire - English → Magyar
to take one's courage in both hands - English → Magyar
to take the bit between one's teeth - English → Magyar
to squeeze one's way through a crowd - English → Magyar
to be no better than one ought to be - English → Magyar
to hold one's life of little account - English → Magyar
runner of stock against one's client - English → Magyar
to put one's fist through the window - English → Magyar
to be unremitting in one's attention - English → Magyar
to swing a child onto one's shoulder - English → Magyar
to be one hundred dollars to the bad - English → Magyar
to fit oneself to one's surroundings - English → Magyar
to leave one's card on the doorsteps - English → Magyar
to feel a tug at one's heart-strings - English → Magyar
i didn't know the one from the other - English → Magyar
to put a halter round one's own neck - English → Magyar
to stuff one's ears with cotton-wool - English → Magyar
piece that is not within one's range - English → Magyar
to barge one's way through the crowd - English → Magyar
to depend on sg for one's livelihood - English → Magyar
to escape by the skin of one's teeth - English → Magyar
to swim one's horse across the river - English → Magyar
the mosquitoes sing round one's head - English → Magyar
have it in one's commission to do sg - English → Magyar
to force one's way through the press - English → Magyar
to be frightened of one's own shadow - English → Magyar
have a reputation below one's desert - English → Magyar
to kick one's friends down the ladder - English → Magyar
to wash one's hands in invisible soap - English → Magyar
to make one's meaning perfectly plain - English → Magyar
one can have too much of a good thing - English → Magyar
to hang on by the skin of one's teeth - English → Magyar
go in at one ear and out at the other - English → Magyar
to express one's satisfaction with sg - English → Magyar
to hang a weight round one's own neck - English → Magyar
ten shares at one hundred francs each - English → Magyar
no one ever thought of poor little me - English → Magyar
one fire drives out another's burning - English → Magyar
to modulate from one key into another - English → Magyar
to invest one's money to good account - English → Magyar
to feel the recoil of one's own folly - English → Magyar
have two children by one's first wife - English → Magyar
to come in for one's full share of sg - English → Magyar
to stake one's all upon a single cast - English → Magyar
to set out the table with one's wares - English → Magyar
to put one's finger on the sore place - English → Magyar
to give sy the surprise of one's life - English → Magyar
to play with one's cards on the table - English → Magyar
to quarrel with one's bread and butter - English → Magyar
to look at one another like stuck pigs - English → Magyar
to do anything that comes in one's way - English → Magyar
to bring one's pigs to a pretty market - English → Magyar
to fit oneself into one's surroundings - English → Magyar
to be rushing to one's own destruction - English → Magyar
to take a drink to settle one's dinner - English → Magyar
to do what is right in one's own sight - English → Magyar
to signify one's acquiescence by a nod - English → Magyar
to give the edge of one's tongue to sy - English → Magyar
to run one's head against a brick wall - English → Magyar
to translate one's thoughts into words - English → Magyar
to flatter oneself on one's cleverness - English → Magyar
to do brilliantly at one's examination - English → Magyar
to run one's head against a stone wall - English → Magyar
to choose the bar as one's walk in life - English → Magyar
to bring one's pigs to the wrong market - English → Magyar
to walk with one's head high in the air - English → Magyar
to couch one's meaning under a metaphor - English → Magyar
to give an indication of one's goodwill - English → Magyar
to put one's head into the lion's mouth - English → Magyar
to cool one's heels in the waiting-room - English → Magyar
to stuff up one's ears with cotton-wool - English → Magyar
have a soft place in one's heart for sy - English → Magyar
to be a great strain on one's attention - English → Magyar
have several languages at one's command - English → Magyar
to be a mere shadow of one's former self - English → Magyar
at one time professor of this university - English → Magyar
to put in one's term of military service - English → Magyar
to make fish of one and flesh of another - English → Magyar
there is more than one way to skin a cat - English → Magyar
have nothing to say one way or the other - English → Magyar
to be the mere ghost of one's former self - English → Magyar
have a high sense of one's own importance - English → Magyar
there are more jacks then one at the fair - English → Magyar
to look at sg from under one's spectacles - English → Magyar
to make a frank confession of one's guilt - English → Magyar
to set one's face like a flint against sg - English → Magyar
to know which side one's bread is buttered - English → Magyar
one can't tell her from her younger syster - English → Magyar
Blindness - one eye - low vision other eye - English → Magyar
not to let the grass grow under one's feet - English → Magyar
to undertake anything that comes one's way - English → Magyar
to be in the enjoyment of all one's senses - English → Magyar
How strong is it on a scale of one to ten? - English → Magyar
they are completely attuned to one another - English → Magyar
to look at her one would never imagine that - English → Magyar
How strong was it on a scale of one to ten? - English → Magyar
one may as well hanged for a sheep as a lamb - English → Magyar
to give clear indication of one's intentions - English → Magyar
to do one hundred kilometers to seven litres - English → Magyar
one can often recognise a person by his walk - English → Magyar
to be in close communication with one another - English → Magyar
to bring one's fist down heavily on the table - English → Magyar
it is six of one and half a dozen of the other - English → Magyar
to make oneself a nuisance to one's neighbours - English → Magyar
to stick to one's friend through thick and thin - English → Magyar
to square one's theories with ascertained facts - English → Magyar
one thing or the other there is no middle course - English → Magyar
to give a ceremony the light of one's countenance - English → Magyar
to take up arms against one's own flesh and blood - English → Magyar
Fractures involving multiple regions of one upper limb - English → Magyar
Fractures involving multiple regions of one lower limb - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputations of one foot and other leg [ any level - except foot ] - English → Magyar
Has the little one always been a bedwetter? Does he have problems every night? - English → Magyar
Corrosions of multiple regions - at least one corrosion of third degree mentioned - English → Magyar
Death from any obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery - English → Magyar

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