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thé - Français → Magyar
to get the upper hand - English → Magyar
to get the upper hand of sy - English → Magyar
to get the upper hand of a horse - English → Magyar
to get the upper hand of the situation - English → Magyar
to gain the upper hand - English → Magyar
to take the upper hand - English → Magyar
have the upper hand of sy - English → Magyar
we must keep the upper hand - English → Magyar
to gain the upper hand of sy - English → Magyar
Congenital absence of upper arm and forearm with hand present - English → Magyar
Burn and corrosion of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of first degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of third degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of second degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of first degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of third degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of second degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb - except wrist and hand - English → Magyar
hand in hand - English → Magyar
hand-to-hand - English → Magyar
hand over hand - English → Magyar
from hand to hand - English → Magyar
doing hand over hand - English → Magyar
to fight hand to hand - English → Magyar
to swim hand over hand - English → Magyar
to go hand in hand with sg - English → Magyar
to pass sg from hand to hand - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputations of one hand and other arm [ any level - except hand ] - English → Magyar
to get out of hand - English → Magyar
to get sy a big hand - English → Magyar
to get one's hand in sg - English → Magyar
to get sg off one's hand - English → Magyar
he tried to get his hand loose - English → Magyar
upper - English → Magyar
upper jaw - English → Magyar
upper leg - English → Magyar
upper lid - English → Magyar
upper dog - English → Magyar
upper ten - English → Magyar
upper bed - English → Magyar
upper air - English → Magyar
upper hip - English → keresési javaslat
upper arm - English → Magyar
upper-arm - English → Magyar
upper lip - English → Magyar
upper case - English → Magyar
upper lobe - English → Magyar
upper bank - English → keresési javaslat
upper limb - English → Magyar
upper tens - English → Magyar
upper part - English → Magyar
upper deck - English → Magyar
upper band - English → Magyar
upper half - English → Magyar
upper teeth - English → Magyar
upper crust - English → Magyar
upper limbs - English → Magyar
upper tight - English → keresési javaslat
upper thugh - English → keresési javaslat
upper bound - English → Magyar
upper class - English → Magyar
upper plate - English → Magyar
upper forms - English → Magyar
upper spool - English → Magyar
upper story - English → Magyar
upper house - English → Magyar
upper curve - English → Magyar
upper index - English → Magyar
upper thigh - English → Magyar
upper-class - English → Magyar
upper mantle - English → Magyar
upper palate - English → keresési javaslat
upper course - English → Magyar
upper circle - English → Magyar
upper school - English → Magyar
upper airway - English → Magyar
upper eyelid - English → Magyar
upper leather - English → Magyar
upper desktop - English → Magyar
upper vaginal - English → keresési javaslat
upper classes - English → Magyar
upper airways - English → Magyar
upper chamber - English → Magyar
upper section - English → Magyar
upper segment - English → Magyar
upper stomach - English → Magyar
upper abdomen - English → Magyar
upper denture - English → Magyar
upper ontology - English → Magyar
upper GI bleed - English → Magyar
upper servants - English → Magyar
upper jurassic - English → Magyar
upper esophagus - English → Magyar
upper extremity - English → Magyar
right upper lobe - English → Magyar
right upper limb - English → Magyar
upper extremities - English → Magyar
upper error limit - English → Magyar
upper respiratory - English → Magyar
upper left canine - English → Magyar
upper-deck ratings - English → Magyar
upper motor neuron - English → Magyar
upper ten thousand - English → Magyar
upper arm fat area - English → Magyar
upper vas deferens - English → Magyar
upper limb ischemia - English → Magyar
droopy upper eyelid - English → Magyar
upper end of a table - English → Magyar
upper outer quadrant - English → Magyar
upper abdominal pain - English → Magyar
upper inner quadrant - English → Magyar
left upper lobectomy - English → Magyar
upper right quadrant - English → Magyar
upper right quadrant - English → értelmezés
upper neck dissection - English → Magyar
upper level container - English → Magyar
right upper lobectomy - English → Magyar
upper large intestine - English → Magyar
upper limit of normal - English → Magyar
upper part of a river - English → Magyar
upper end of a church - English → Magyar
to shave the upper lip - English → Magyar
upper left first molar - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal - English → Magyar
upper left third molar - English → Magyar
upper abdominal disease - English → Magyar
gone in the upper story - English → Magyar
weak in the upper story - English → Magyar
upper arm circumference - English → Magyar
chronic upper limb pain - English → Magyar
upper airway resistance - English → Magyar
upper left second molar - English → Magyar
upper part of a country - English → Magyar
upper airway congestion - English → Magyar
upper waters of a river - English → Magyar
Open wound of upper arm - English → Magyar
Diplegia of upper limbs - English → Magyar
Monoplegia of upper limb - English → Magyar
wrong in the upper story - English → Magyar
upper respiratory cancer - English → Magyar
bones of upper extremity - English → Magyar
upper urinary tract stone - English → Magyar
upper urinary tract tumor - English → Magyar
upper respiratory disease - English → Magyar
to keep a stiff upper lip - English → Magyar
upper left first premolar - English → Magyar
upper right quadrant (URQ) - English → értelmezés
upper digestive hemorrhage - English → Magyar
upper esophageal sphincter - English → Magyar
upper left lateral incisor - English → Magyar
upper left second premolar - English → Magyar
upper left central incisor - English → Magyar
upper right quadrant (URQ) - English → Magyar
Upper Respiratory Infection - English → Magyar
upper and lower extremities - English → Magyar
upper reaches of the thames - English → Magyar
Upper gum malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal bleed - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal tract - English → Magyar
unilateral upper motor neuron - English → Magyar
Upper limb malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal series - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal series - English → értelmezés
Fracture of upper end of ulna - English → Magyar
Fracture of upper end of tibia - English → Magyar
Mononeuropathies of upper limb - English → Magyar
Reduction defects of upper limb - English → Magyar
upper respiratory disease (URD) - English → Magyar
Pain localized to upper abdomen - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal bleeding - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal symptoms - English → Magyar
Fracture of upper end of radius - English → Magyar
Fracture of upper end of humerus - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal endoscopy - English → Magyar
upper airway resistance syndrome - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal carcinoma - English → Magyar
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage - English → Magyar
Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb - English → Magyar
upper respiratory infection (URI) - English → Magyar
expiratory upper airway resistance - English → Magyar
Sequelae of injuries of upper limb - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal tract (UGI) - English → Magyar
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
positioned - upper portion of page - English → Magyar
Contusion of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal series (UGI) - English → Magyar
Unspecified frostbite of upper limb - English → Magyar
upper gastrointestinal series (UGI) - English → értelmezés
Sequelae of open wound of upper limb - English → Magyar
Open wound of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Other mononeuropathies of upper limb - English → Magyar
upper extremity deep vein thrombosis - English → Magyar
External upper lip malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Aneurysm of artery of upper extremity - English → Magyar
massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding - English → Magyar
Other reduction defects of upper limb(s) - English → Magyar
upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) - English → Magyar
Injury of ulnar nerve at upper arm level - English → Magyar
Sequelae of injury of nerve of upper limb - English → Magyar
Injury of median nerve at upper arm level - English → Magyar
Crushing injury of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Injury of radial nerve at upper arm level - English → Magyar
Other diseases of upper respiratory tract - English → Magyar
Acquired absence of upper limb above wrist - English → Magyar
Fracture of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Mononeuropathy of upper limb - unspecified - English → Magyar
Multiple injuries of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Upper lip - inner aspect malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Reduction defect of upper limb - unspecified - English → Magyar
Other juvenile osteochondrosis of upper limb - English → Magyar
Unspecified injury of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Sequelae of unsepcified injury of upper limb - English → Magyar
Short bones of upper limb malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Open wound of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Upper third of oesophagus malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Congenital complete absence of upper limb(s) - English → Magyar
Benign neoplasms - Short bones of upper limb - English → Magyar
Multiple open wound of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (nontraumatic) - English → Magyar
Acquired absence of both upper limbs [any level] - English → Magyar
Other specified injury of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Disease of upper respiratory tract - unspecified - English → Magyar
Other injuries of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Acute upper respiratory incfection - unspecified - English → Magyar
Injury of nerves at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Upper-inner quadrant of breast malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Upper-outer quadrant of breast malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Sequelae of other specified injuries of upper limb - English → Magyar
Other superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Melanoma in situ of upper limb - including shoulder - English → Magyar
Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract - English → Magyar
Superficial injury of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Melanocytic naevi of upper limb - including shoulder - English → Magyar
Unspecified injury of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of upper limb - English → Magyar
Complications of reattached (part of) upper extremity - English → Magyar
Acquired absence of upper and lower limbs [any level] - English → Magyar
Malignant melanoma of upper limb - inculuding shoulder - English → Magyar
Axillary and upper limb lymph nodes malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Fractures involving multiple regions of one upper limb - English → Magyar
Injury of other nerves at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Injury of blood vessels at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Benign neoplasms - Scapula and long bones of upper limb - English → Magyar
Open wounds involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) - English → Magyar
Scapula and long bones of upper limb malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Other congenital malformations of upper alimentary tract - English → Magyar
Other and unspecified injuries of shoulder and upper arm - English → Magyar
Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of upper extermities - English → Magyar
Fractures involving multiple regions of both upper limbs - English → Magyar
Sequelae of burn - corrosion and frostbite of upper limb - English → Magyar
Skin of upper limb carcinoma in situ - including shoulder - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple nerves at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Other acute upper resiratory infections of multiple sites - English → Magyar
Sequelae of dislocation - sprain adn strain of upper limb - English → Magyar
Other specified injuries of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Connective and other soft tissue of upper limb - including - English → Magyar
Injury of superficial vein at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Skin of upper limb - including shoulder malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm - unspecified - English → Magyar
Follow-up care involving plastic surgery of upper extremity - English → Magyar
Injury of muscle and tendon at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Upper respiratory tract malignant neoplasm - part unspecified - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified nerve of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Crushing injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) - English → Magyar
Injury of other blood vessels at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Congenital malformation of upper alimentary tract - unspecified - English → Magyar
Superficial injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple blood vessels at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Other specified congenital malfotmations of upper alimentary tract - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of shoulder and upper arm - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified blood vessel at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of upper limb - English → Magyar
Injury of other muscles and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified blood vessel of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction - site unspecified - English → Magyar
Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at shoulder and upper arm level - English → Magyar
Fractures involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) and lower limb(s) - English → Magyar
Peripheral nerves of upper limb - including shoulder malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Other begin neoplasms of skin – Skin of upper limb - including shoulder - English → Magyar
Open wounds involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) with lower limb(s) - English → Magyar
Other congenital malformations of upper limb(s) - including shoulder girdle - English → Magyar
Dislocations - sprains and strains involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputations of upper and lower limbs - any combination [ any level ] - English → Magyar
Connective and soft tissue of upper limb - including shoulder malignant neoplasm - English → Magyar
Crushing injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) with lower limb(s) - English → Magyar
Superficial injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) with lower limb(s) - English → Magyar
Malignant neoplasms - respiratory system and intrathoracic organs - Upper lobe - bronchus or lung - English → Magyar
Dislocations - sprains and strains involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) with lower limb(s) - English → Magyar
Dislocation - sprain and strain of unspecified joint and ligament of upper limb - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemicals - gases - fumes and vapours not elsewhere classified - English → Magyar
hand - English → Magyar
Hand - Svenska → Magyar
Hand - Deutsch → Magyar
hand - English → értelmezés
hand in - English → Magyar
at hand - English → Magyar
by hand - English → Magyar
hand to - English → Magyar
on hand - English → Magyar
hand on - English → Magyar
to hand - English → Magyar
in hand - English → Magyar
hand up - English → Magyar
hand out - English → Magyar
hand bag - English → Magyar
big hand - English → Magyar
new hand - English → Magyar
hand-bag - English → Magyar
hand-out - English → Magyar
old hand - English → Magyar
hand-gun - English → Magyar
bow-hand - English → Magyar
off hand - English → Magyar
off-hand - English → Magyar
raw hand - English → Magyar
hand off - English → keresési javaslat
odd hand - English → Magyar
hand-saw - English → Magyar
pat hand - English → Magyar
hand-set - English → Magyar
hand down - English → Magyar
hand-made - English → Magyar
claw hand - English → keresési javaslat
left hand - English → Magyar
read hand - English → Magyar
hand rest - English → Magyar
deck-hand - English → Magyar
back hand - English → Magyar
dead hand - English → Magyar
hand arms - English → Magyar
numb hand - English → Magyar
hand sink - English → keresési javaslat
hour-hand - English → Magyar
left-hand - English → Magyar
lily hand - English → Magyar
hand pain - English → Magyar
hand heel - English → keresési javaslat
full hand - English → Magyar
hand pump - English → Magyar
hand over - English → Magyar
mill-hand - English → Magyar
farm-hand - English → Magyar
Hand foot - Svenska → keresési javaslat
hand rail - English → keresési javaslat
hand-hold - English → Magyar
taut hand - English → Magyar
hand-tool - English → Magyar
hand cart - English → Magyar
hand-rail - English → Magyar
hand lamp - English → Magyar
last hand - English → Magyar
hand tool - English → Magyar
back-hand - English → Magyar
hour hand - English → Magyar
hand crane - English → Magyar
cramp hand - English → Magyar
print hand - English → Magyar
hand cuffs - English → keresési javaslat
hand atlas - English → Magyar
right-hand - English → Magyar
hand-glass - English → Magyar
hand shake - English → Magyar
hand bones - English → Magyar
clerk hand - English → Magyar
to hand on - English → Magyar
hand cream - English → Magyar
hand oiler - English → Magyar
right hand - English → Magyar
hand about - English → Magyar
hand piece - English → keresési javaslat
third-hand - English → Magyar
hand drive - English → Magyar
hand brush - English → Magyar
hand-organ - English → Magyar
hand-guard - English → Magyar
to hand in - English → Magyar
hand width - English → keresési javaslat
clock hand - English → Magyar
hand round - English → Magyar
round hand - English → Magyar
stage-hand - English → Magyar
under-hand - English → keresési javaslat
to hand up - English → Magyar
hand drill - English → Magyar
hand of god - English → Magyar
put in hand - English → Magyar
hand-picked - English → Magyar
hand dynamo - English → Magyar
minute hand - English → Magyar
bear a hand - English → Magyar
cap in hand - English → Magyar
hand tremor - English → keresési javaslat
hat in hand - English → Magyar
minute-hand - English → Magyar
give a hand - English → Magyar
junior hand - English → Magyar
master hand - English → Magyar
casual hand - English → Magyar
out of hand - English → Magyar
lend a hand - English → Magyar
bloody hand - English → Magyar
hand-gallop - English → Magyar
second hand - English → Magyar
second-hand - English → Magyar
clammy hand - English → Magyar
strong hand - English → Magyar
to hand out - English → Magyar
hand picking - English → Magyar
hand of pork - English → Magyar
hand laborer - English → Magyar
work in hand - English → Magyar
hand-me-down - English → értelmezés
running hand - English → Magyar
factory hand - English → Magyar
to hand down - English → Magyar
made by hand - English → Magyar
hand baggage - English → Magyar
section hand - English → Magyar
hand durgery - English → keresési javaslat
counter hand - English → Magyar
have in hand - English → Magyar
hand luggage - English → Magyar
take my hand - English → Magyar
just to hand - English → Magyar
to hand-pick - English → Magyar
cursive hand - English → Magyar
surface hand - English → Magyar
left on hand - English → Magyar
hand grenade - English → Magyar
hand-luggage - English → Magyar
to hand over - English → Magyar
factory-hand - English → Magyar
hand-grenade - English → Magyar
near at hand - English → Magyar
foundry hand - English → Magyar
easy on hand - English → Magyar
hand fitting - English → Magyar
hand surgeon - English → Magyar
jobbing hand - English → Magyar
come to hand - English → Magyar
sue for hand - English → Magyar
to hand back - English → Magyar
hand surgery - English → Magyar
note of hand - English → Magyar
cash in hand - English → Magyar
four-in-hand - English → Magyar
hand-me-down - English → Magyar
to hand round - English → Magyar
dominant hand - English → Magyar
on every hand - English → Magyar
at first hand - English → Magyar
hand-to-mouth - English → Magyar
to be at hand - English → Magyar
hand-operated - English → Magyar
goods on hand - English → Magyar
my hand is in - English → Magyar
prentice hand - English → Magyar
to be in hand - English → Magyar
hand tremor  - English → Magyar
Hand Strength - English → Magyar
at third hand - English → Magyar
hand geometry - English → Magyar
mount of hand - English → Magyar
to hand about - English → Magyar
bills in hand - English → Magyar
hand sweating - English → Magyar
stock in hand - English → Magyar
a steady hand - English → Magyar
stock on hand - English → Magyar
left-hand page - English → Magyar
right-hand man - English → Magyar
hand over head - English → Magyar
the other hand - English → keresési javaslat
take a hand in - English → Magyar
to bear a hand - English → Magyar
at second hand - English → Magyar
hand over fist - English → Magyar
matter in hand - English → Magyar
left hand side - English → keresési javaslat
old hand at sg - English → Magyar
secretary hand - English → Magyar
to put in hand - English → Magyar
my hand is out - English → Magyar
to give a hand - English → Magyar
to lend a hand - English → Magyar
hand contusion - English → Magyar
left-hand side - English → Magyar
on either hand - English → Magyar
remain on hand - English → Magyar
alteration hand - English → Magyar
right-hand rule - English → Magyar
overplayed hand - English → Magyar
hand of tobacco - English → Magyar
balance in hand - English → Magyar
to take in hand - English → Magyar
sleight of hand - English → Magyar
hand of bananas - English → Magyar
on the one hand - English → Magyar
wash-hand stand - English → Magyar
laboratory hand - English → Magyar
be a great hand - English → Magyar
sy's right hand - English → Magyar
not lift a hand - English → Magyar
right-hand page - English → Magyar
hold your hand! - English → Magyar
to come to hand - English → Magyar
on the left hand - English → Magyar
give a free hand - English → Magyar
right-hand screw - English → Magyar
hand deformities - English → Magyar
lead by the hand - English → Magyar
supplies on hand - English → Magyar
Bursitis of hand - English → Magyar
with a high hand - English → Magyar
back of the hand - English → Magyar
wave of the hand - English → Magyar
be ready at hand - English → Magyar
to win sy's hand - English → Magyar
engine-room hand - English → Magyar
to hand it to sy - English → Magyar
have a free hand - English → Magyar
flat of the hand - English → Magyar
right-hand glove - English → Magyar
to take sy's hand - English → Magyar
dressmaker's hand - English → Magyar
on the other hand - English → Magyar
right-hand finish - English → Magyar
hand us the dope! - English → Magyar
to cup one's hand - English → Magyar
to bear sy a hand - English → Magyar
have a hand in sg - English → Magyar
second hand smoke - English → Magyar
hand desinfection - English → Magyar
riot hand grenade - English → Magyar
to be behind-hand - English → Magyar
Lobster-claw hand - English → Magyar
lines of the hand - English → Magyar
to give sy a hand - English → Magyar
sweep second hand - English → Magyar
to lend sy a hand - English → Magyar
hand-loom weaving - English → Magyar
to read sy's hand - English → Magyar
money out of hand - English → Magyar
to take sg in hand - English → Magyar
hollow of the hand - English → Magyar
hand-warmer pocket - English → Magyar
with upraised hand - English → Magyar
from hand to mouth - English → Magyar
dorsum of the hand - English → Magyar
to wave one's hand - English → Magyar
to hold a nap hand - English → Magyar
to show one's hand - English → Magyar
to hold one's hand - English → Magyar
to force sy's hand - English → Magyar
with heart and hand - English → Magyar
to offer one's hand - English → Magyar
to reach out a hand - English → Magyar
they forced my hand - English → Magyar
horse light in hand - English → Magyar
to raise one's hand - English → Magyar
to bring up by hand - English → Magyar
hand osteoarthritis - English → Magyar
to play a lone hand - English → Magyar
second-hand clothes - English → Magyar
to be ready to hand - English → Magyar
to take pen in hand - English → Magyar
to ask for sy's hand - English → Magyar
first excuse to hand - English → Magyar
current hand-writing - English → Magyar
to do sg out of hand - English → Magyar
to sue for sy's hand - English → Magyar
right-hand air-screw - English → Magyar
under one's own hand - English → Magyar
to hand on the torch - English → Magyar
not do a hand's turn - English → Magyar
top left-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
the hand-brake is on - English → Magyar
to take a hand in sg - English → Magyar
hand rolling tobacco - English → Magyar
top left-hand corner - English → Magyar
to write a fair hand - English → Magyar
fall on an open hand - English → Magyar
hand-picked gathering - English → Magyar
to drive four-in-hand - English → Magyar
to declare one's hand - English → Magyar
into the doctors hand - English → Magyar
first hand experience - English → Magyar
not move hand or foot - English → Magyar
here's my hand on it! - English → Magyar
top right-hand corner - English → Magyar
Dermatofytos på hand - Svenska → Magyar
to keep one's hand in - English → Magyar
cold hand, warm heart - English → Magyar
help is ready at hand - English → Magyar
he writes a good hand - English → Magyar
top right-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
to give sy one's hand - English → Magyar
to write a clear hand - English → Magyar
under your hand a seal - English → Magyar
to lend a helping hand - English → Magyar
to give sy a free hand - English → Magyar
second-hand bookseller - English → Magyar
to lead sy by the hand - English → Magyar
second hand of a watch - English → Magyar
to give sy a good hand - English → Magyar
to throw in one's hand - English → Magyar
on the right-hand side - English → Magyar
to lay down one's hand - English → Magyar
to take sy by the hand - English → Magyar
to hand in one's check - English → Magyar
to be under one's hand - English → Magyar
first hand information - English → Magyar
to want taking in hand - English → Magyar
bottom left-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
to feed a child by hand - English → Magyar
to be a good hand at sg - English → Magyar
work of a prentice hand - English → Magyar
to poise sg in the hand - English → Magyar
to act with a high hand - English → Magyar
to eat out of sy's hand - English → Magyar
Immersion hand and foot - English → Magyar
to hand down an opinion - English → Magyar
to keep sy well in hand - English → Magyar
bottom left-hand corner - English → Magyar
to try one's hand at sg - English → Magyar
bottom right-hand corner - English → Magyar
to rule with a firm hand - English → Magyar
bottom right-hand corner - Malti → Magyar
to be a great hand at sg - English → Magyar
into the physicians hand - English → Magyar
to send a letter by hand - English → Magyar
to make sy show his hand - English → Magyar
to feed out of sy's hand - English → Magyar
to die by one's own hand - English → Magyar
chiasm of digits of hand - English → Magyar
to hold out a hand to sy - English → Magyar
to kiss one's hand to sy - English → Magyar
chiasm of digits of hand - English → értelmezés
to give one's hand on sg - English → Magyar
to give sy the glad hand - English → Magyar
to be a master hand at sg - English → Magyar
to serve sy hand and foot - English → Magyar
with a wave of one's hand - English → Magyar
i can't put my hand on it - English → Magyar
to live from hand to mouth - English → Magyar
to hand sy the frozen mitt - English → Magyar
hand injury severity score - English → Magyar
please hand me the scalpel - English → Magyar
to make a bonny hand of sg - English → Magyar
to keep a slack hand on sg - English → Magyar
to bestow one's hand on sy - English → Magyar
to set one's hand to a deed - English → Magyar
bare as the back of my hand - English → Magyar
to fight for one's own hand - English → Magyar
to wait on sy hand and foot - English → Magyar
he never does a hand's turn - English → Magyar
have one's hand in the till - English → Magyar
to stretch forth one's hand - English → Magyar
to bring up a child by hand - English → Magyar
to be hand in glove with sy - English → Magyar
to make money hand over fist - English → Magyar
to send sg by the hand of sy - English → Magyar
he forced a tip into my hand - English → Magyar
Open wound of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Congenital deformity of hand - English → Magyar
to keep a tight hand over sy - English → Magyar
my hand has lost its cunning - English → Magyar
to give a helping hand to sy - English → Magyar
right-hand corner of a sheet - English → Magyar
to be hand and glove with sy - English → Magyar
to lift one's hand against sy - English → Magyar
dude go and shit in your hand - English → Magyar
to be a fine hand with horses - English → Magyar
Hand - foot and mouth disease - Svenska → Magyar
hand-out from the pork-barrel - English → Magyar
to be a good hand at doing sg - English → Magyar
everybody's hand is against me - English → Magyar
to be a great hand at doing sg - English → Magyar
right-hand side of an equation - English → Magyar
to turn one's hand to doing sg - English → Magyar
to receive sg at the hand of sy - English → Magyar
to be a master hand at doing sg - English → Magyar
to put one's hand to the plough - English → Magyar
have one's hand in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to take a piece of work in hand - English → Magyar
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease - English → értelmezés
Juvenile osteochondrosis of hand - English → Magyar
to snatch a thing from sy's hand - English → Magyar
Fracture at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Hand-Schüller Christian disease - English → Magyar
intercapitular veins of the hand - English → Magyar
intercapitular veins of the hand - English → értelmezés
he can turn his hand to anything - English → Magyar
to keep one's hand over sy's eyes - English → Magyar
to put one's hand in one's pocket - English → Magyar
to keep a tight hand on the reins - English → Magyar
Crushing injury of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Contact with nonpowered hand tool - English → Magyar
to lay one's hand on sy's shoulder - English → Magyar
to keep one's hand over one's eyes - English → Magyar
he has a hand in the running of it - English → Magyar
Acquired absence of hand and wrist - English → Magyar
take your hand out of your pocket! - English → Magyar
to swing by one hand from a branch - English → Magyar
to cup one's hand behind one's ear - English → Magyar
Hand Schüller Christian betegség - Magyar → keresési javaslat
to put down one's hand on the table - English → Magyar
to reach out with one's hand for sg - English → Magyar
Multiple injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
have sy in the hollow of one's hand - English → Magyar
to hold sy in the palm of one's hand - English → Magyar
Unspecified injury of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Superficial injury of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
he that has land has trouble at hand - English → Magyar
with one's chin cupped in one's hand - English → Magyar
Burn and corrosion of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of third degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Multiple open wounds of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
enfermedad de Hand-Schüller-Christian - Español → Magyar
Burn of first degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Superficial forstbite of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Burn of second degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of nerves at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Congenital absence of hand and finger(s) - English → Magyar
to win a race with a nice balance in hand - English → Magyar
Other specified injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Contusion of other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of first degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Congenital absence of both forearm and hand - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of hand at wrist level - English → Magyar
Corrosion of third degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Open wound of other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Other superficial injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of second degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Burn of unspecified degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of hand - English → Magyar
Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist - English → Magyar
Injury of radial nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Frostbite with tissue necrosis of hip and hand - English → Magyar
HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) - English → Magyar
HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) - English → értelmezés
Injury of ulnar artery at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of other nerves at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of median nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of blood vessels at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Multiple superficial injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of radial artery at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Other and unspecified injuries of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Frostbite with tissue necrosis of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Corrosion of unspecified degree of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple nerves at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Superficial injury of wrist and hand - unspecified - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Open wound of wrist and hand part - part unspecified - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of other blood vessels at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of hand - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand - level unspecified - English → Magyar
Injury of other muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery - English → Magyar
Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple flexor muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of multiple extensor muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of long flexor muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Dislocation - sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level - English → Magyar
Combined traumatic amputation of ( part of ) finger(s) with other parts of wrist and hand - English → Magyar
get - Svenska → Magyar
get - English → Magyar
get at - English → Magyar
get-up - English → Magyar
get to - English → Magyar
get on - English → Magyar
get by - English → Magyar
get in - English → Magyar
get up - English → Magyar
to get - English → Magyar
get-out - English → Magyar
get ill - English → Magyar
get off - English → Magyar
get hot - English → Magyar
get you - English → Magyar
get wet - English → Magyar
get rid - English → Magyar
get him - English → Magyar
get fat - English → Magyar
get out - English → Magyar
get sore - English → Magyar
hell get - English → keresési javaslat
get lost - English → Magyar
get over - English → Magyar
get laid - English → Magyar
hell get - Magyar → keresési javaslat
get down - English → Magyar
get into - English → Magyar
get busy - English → Magyar
get time - English → Magyar
get high - English → Magyar
get out! - English → Magyar
get hurt - English → Magyar
I get it - English → Magyar
get back - English → Magyar
get away - English → Magyar
get well - English → Magyar
get home - English → Magyar
get wind - English → Magyar
get grey - English → Magyar
get tired - English → Magyar
to get up - English → Magyar
get ready - English → Magyar
get tight - English → Magyar
to get in - English → Magyar
get along - English → Magyar
to get it - English → Magyar
to get to - English → Magyar
get about - English → Magyar
get going - English → Magyar
get there - English → Magyar
to get at - English → Magyar
get drunk - English → Magyar
get well! - English → Magyar
get busy! - English → Magyar
to get by - English → Magyar
get loose - English → Magyar
get up to - English → Magyar
get down! - English → Magyar
get stuck - English → Magyar
get under - English → Magyar
to get on - English → Magyar
get ahead - English → Magyar
get angry - English → Magyar
get nipped - English → Magyar
get played - Urban (English) → Magyar
get abroad - English → Magyar
to get fat - English → Magyar
get fagged - English → Magyar
get peeved - English → Magyar
get around - English → Magyar
to get old - English → Magyar
get ready! - English → Magyar
get rid of - English → Magyar
to get off - English → Magyar
get better - English → Magyar
to get out - English → Magyar
get tanned - English → Magyar
get going! - English → Magyar
to get wet - English → Magyar
get across - English → Magyar
to get ill - English → Magyar
get up late - English → Magyar
to get wind - English → Magyar
to get cold - English → Magyar
get married - English → Magyar
get-at-able - English → Magyar
get pinched - English → Magyar
to get cool - English → Magyar
get in lane - English → Magyar
get better! - English → Magyar
get in here - English → Magyar
to get hard - English → Magyar
to get sore - English → Magyar
get to work - English → Magyar
to get well - English → Magyar
get back up - English → Magyar
to get dear - English → Magyar
to get lazy - English → Magyar
to get lost - English → Magyar
get clogged - English → Magyar
to get down - English → Magyar
to get grey - English → Magyar
get rattled - English → Magyar
to get over - English → Magyar
get to know - English → Magyar
get off it! - English → Magyar
to get home - English → Magyar
to do a get - English → Magyar
to get back - English → Magyar
to get help - English → Magyar
to get fame - English → Magyar
to get busy - English → Magyar
to get high - English → Magyar
get a shock - English → Magyar
to get waxy - English → Magyar
get moving! - English → Magyar
get wind of - English → Magyar
to get away - English → Magyar
to get free - English → Magyar
to get left - English → Magyar
to get into - English → Magyar
get excited - English → Magyar
get used to - English → Magyar
get dressed - English → Magyar
get damaged - English → Magyar
get ride of - English → keresési javaslat
get through - English → Magyar
to get warm - English → Magyar
to get, got - English → Magyar
get on well - English → Magyar
to get ahead - English → Magyar
to get tight - English → Magyar
get it wrong - English → Magyar
to get taped - English → Magyar
to get clear - English → Magyar
to get silly - English → Magyar
to get large - English → Magyar
to get tired - English → Magyar
to get along - English → Magyar
to get beans - English → Magyar
to get wrong - English → Magyar
get a leg in - English → Magyar
to get going - English → Magyar
to get hairy - English → Magyar
to get moldy - English → Magyar
to get payed - English → Magyar
get flurried - English → Magyar
to get crazy - English → Magyar
get-together - English → Magyar
to get power - English → Magyar
get the cane - English → Magyar
to get round - English → Magyar
to get taken - English → Magyar
to get angry - English → Magyar
get mixed up - English → Magyar
to get a run - English → Magyar
get enlisted - English → Magyar
to get lunch - English → Magyar
get confused - English → Magyar
to get rusty - English → Magyar
get the boot - English → Magyar
to get worse - English → Magyar
to get about - English → Magyar
get together - English → Magyar
to get there - English → Magyar
get sunburnt - English → Magyar
get the bird - English → Magyar
get throught - English → Magyar
get the kick - English → Magyar
to get to sg - English → Magyar
to get by sg - English → Magyar
get to sleep - English → Magyar
get the push - English → Magyar
to get ready - English → Magyar
to get loose - English → Magyar
get the sack - English → Magyar
to get wealth - English → Magyar
get a word in - English → Magyar
to get to bed - English → Magyar
to get lodged - English → Magyar
to get rid of - English → Magyar
get balled up - English → Magyar
to get abroad - English → Magyar
to get it hot - English → Magyar
to get around - English → Magyar
to get riffed - English → Magyar
to get larger - English → Magyar
to get shaved - English → Magyar
to get bitten - English → Magyar
get thee gone - English → Magyar
to get inured - English → Magyar
to get a fair - English → Magyar
to get tanned - English → Magyar
get struck on - English → Magyar
to get peeved - English → Magyar
get cold feet - English → Magyar
to get dearer - English → Magyar
get ready for - English → Magyar
to get shirty - English → Magyar
get undressed - English → Magyar
get the chuck - English → Magyar
to get a cold - English → Magyar
to get a name - English → Magyar
get some rest - English → Magyar
to get bottom - English → Magyar
get a footing - English → Magyar
to get bogged - English → Magyar
to get killed - English → Magyar
to get a meal - English → Magyar
to get the ax - English → Magyar
to get a wife - English → Magyar
to get across - English → Magyar
to get lagged - English → Magyar
to get hungry - English → Magyar
to get off sy - English → Magyar
to get better - English → Magyar
to get stoned - English → Magyar
to get copped - English → Magyar
to get results - English → Magyar
get into shape - English → Magyar
get no support - English → Magyar
to get sy over - English → Magyar
to get excited - English → Magyar
to get drowned - English → Magyar
to get through - English → Magyar
to get dressed - English → Magyar
get into a wax - English → Magyar
to get changed - English → Magyar
get on the bus - English → Magyar
to get stucked - English → Magyar
to get knocked - English → Magyar
get on to him! - English → Magyar
to get sg done - English → Magyar
to get damaged - English → Magyar
to get sg bent - English → Magyar
to get sg down - English → Magyar
get on a train - English → Magyar
to get friends - English → Magyar
to get the axe - English → Magyar
get oneself up - English → Magyar
get into a row - English → Magyar
to get a first - English → Magyar
to get sy home - English → Magyar
to get pinched - English → Magyar
to get sg dear - English → Magyar
get out of bed - English → Magyar
to get upright - English → Magyar
to get big pay - English → Magyar
go get dressed - English → Magyar
to get over sy - English → Magyar
get under skin - English → Magyar
to get clogged - English → Magyar
get a move on! - English → Magyar
to get with it - English → Magyar
he will get on - English → Magyar
un-get-at-able - English → Magyar
to get sy down - English → Magyar
get tangled up - English → Magyar
to get spoiled - English → Magyar
get laughed at - English → Magyar
get a foothold - English → Magyar
get a swishing - English → Magyar
to get a penal - English → Magyar
to get spliced - English → Magyar
to get nowhere - English → Magyar
to get into sg - English → Magyar
gotta get that - English → Magyar
to get fuddled - English → Magyar
to get hitched - English → Magyar
to get sg over - English → Magyar
to get injured - English → Magyar
get along with - English → Magyar
to get smashed - English → Magyar
get thee gone! - English → Magyar
get on in life - English → Magyar
get the mitten - English → Magyar
to get engaged - English → Magyar
to get to work - English → Magyar
to get married - English → Magyar
get to business - English → Magyar
i don't get you - English → Magyar
get about again - English → Magyar
get into a fury - English → Magyar
to get sg right - English → Magyar
to get to sleep - English → Magyar
to get on to sy - English → Magyar
to get to do sg - English → Magyar
get into a rage - English → Magyar
to get together - English → Magyar
to get rid of x - English → Magyar
to get sg on sy - English → Magyar
to get sy round - English → Magyar
to get evidence - English → Magyar
to get ahold of - English → Magyar
to get a second - English → Magyar
to get a leg in - English → Magyar
to get confused - English → Magyar
get into a spin - English → Magyar
to get the push - English → Magyar
to get flurried - English → Magyar
to get underway - English → Magyar
to get doing sg - English → Magyar
to get overdone - English → Magyar
to get sy wrong - English → Magyar
to get round sy - English → Magyar
to get a packet - English → Magyar
to get the cane - English → Magyar
to get enlisted - English → Magyar
to get the chop - English → Magyar
to get the kick - English → Magyar
to get up to sy - English → Magyar
get off my back - English → Magyar
to get by heart - English → Magyar
to get it wrong - English → Magyar
to get a bun on - English → Magyar
get up to speed - English → Magyar
to get the sack - English → Magyar
let's get going - English → Magyar
to get derailed - English → Magyar
to get sy's ear - English → Magyar
get into a flap - English → Magyar
to get the boot - English → Magyar
to get cracking - English → Magyar
to get sg cheap - English → Magyar
to get up steam - English → Magyar
get the wind up - English → Magyar
get bogged down - English → Magyar
to get on to sg - English → Magyar
to get inflamed - English → Magyar
get in the neck - English → Magyar
to get pregnant - English → Magyar
to get divorced - English → Magyar
to get ploughed - English → Magyar
to get to blows - English → Magyar
to get sy angry - English → Magyar
to get sg ready - English → Magyar
to get into bed - English → Magyar
to get a lesson - English → Magyar
to get drenched - English → Magyar
get off the bus - English → Magyar
get into a heat - English → Magyar
to get sg for sy - English → Magyar
get acclimatized - English → Magyar
get off my sight - English → Magyar
to get one's cap - English → Magyar
to get a station - English → Magyar
get on my nerves - English → Magyar
get off my back! - English → Magyar
get down to fact - English → Magyar
to get one's way - English → Magyar
to get a word in - English → Magyar
get off my block - English → Magyar
to get sy to bed - English → Magyar
to get damaged  - English → Magyar
to get balled up - English → Magyar
get the start of - English → Magyar
to get publicity - English → Magyar
to get one's hat - English → Magyar
to get cast away - English → Magyar
to get a command - English → Magyar
to get the chuck - English → Magyar
to get disgraced - English → Magyar
to get an offing - English → Magyar
to get on better - English → Magyar
to get a blow in - English → Magyar
get the message? - English → Magyar
to get the shore - English → Magyar
to get dismissed - English → Magyar
to get cold feet - English → Magyar
to get off light - English → Magyar
get out of here! - English → Magyar
to get out of sg - English → Magyar
get the picture? - English → Magyar
to get off cheap - English → Magyar
get into trouble - English → Magyar
to get the spear - English → Magyar
get on with you! - English → Magyar
to get a soaking - English → Magyar
to get under way - English → Magyar
to get a mast up - English → Magyar
to get across sy - English → Magyar
to get rid of sy - English → Magyar
to get undressed - English → Magyar
get off to sleep - English → Magyar
to get sy hidden - English → Magyar
to get sy's goat - English → Magyar
get into arrears - English → Magyar
startling get-up - English → Magyar
get on well with - English → Magyar
to get a boat in - English → Magyar
to get rid of sg - English → Magyar
get it developed - English → Magyar
to get a footing - English → Magyar
to get hold of sy - English → Magyar
to get up to kill - English → Magyar
to get sg into sg - English → Magyar
to get five years - English → Magyar
to get wind of sg - English → Magyar
to get off easily - English → Magyar
to get frightened - English → Magyar
to get into shape - English → Magyar
to get shot of sg - English → Magyar
to get to know sy - English → Magyar
get critical care - English → hozzászólás
to get up a shirt - English → Magyar
to get sy through - English → Magyar
to get sore at sy - English → Magyar
to get on in life - English → Magyar
to get shut of sg - English → Magyar
to get into a wax - English → Magyar
get over yourself - English → Magyar
to get shot of sy - English → Magyar
to get turned out - English → Magyar
to get into khaki - English → Magyar
to get out of bed - English → Magyar
to get to know sg - English → Magyar
to get the jacket - English → Magyar
to get the collar - English → Magyar
to get shut of sy - English → Magyar
to get one's wind - English → Magyar
to get a big haul - English → Magyar
to get on with sg - English → Magyar
to get down on sy - English → Magyar
to get fertilized - English → Magyar
to get on with sy - English → Magyar
to get on the bus - English → Magyar
to get laughed at - English → Magyar
to get out a book - English → Magyar
to get overheated - English → Magyar
to get used to sg - English → Magyar
to get muddled up - English → Magyar
to get in with sy - English → Magyar
to get a foothold - English → Magyar
to get home on sy - English → Magyar
to get oneself up - English → Magyar
to get one's blue - English → Magyar
to get a class on - English → Magyar
to get on a horse - English → Magyar
to get out a word - English → Magyar
to get hold of sg - English → Magyar
if i get the time - English → Magyar
to get to business - English → Magyar
to get off the bus - English → Magyar
to get a pink slip - English → Magyar
to get about again - English → Magyar
to get soaking wet - English → Magyar
we'll get them yet - English → Magyar
to get out of true - English → Magyar
to get off lightly - English → Magyar
to get sy's number - English → Magyar
to get sg for free - English → Magyar
to get one's wings - English → Magyar
to get the shivers - English → Magyar
to get the measles - English → Magyar
let me get my wind - English → Magyar
to get the message - English → Magyar
to get off a chair - English → Magyar
to get a sunstroke - English → Magyar
to get into a rage - English → Magyar
to get sy on board - English → Magyar
get off the grass! - English → Magyar
to get the picture - English → Magyar
let's get it over! - English → Magyar
to get the needles - English → Magyar
to get ready to sg - English → Magyar
to get sg on board - English → Magyar
to get a fair crop - English → Magyar
to get sy to do sg - English → Magyar
to get the wind up - English → Magyar
to get bogged down - English → Magyar
to get under weigh - English → Magyar
to get a situation - English → Magyar
to get ahead of sy - English → Magyar
to get sg by heart - English → Magyar
to get cheesed off - English → Magyar
let me get at him! - English → Magyar
to get exasperated - English → Magyar
get him to read it - English → Magyar
to get sy upstairs - English → Magyar
to get into a flap - English → Magyar
to get fed up with - English → Magyar
to get into a spin - English → Magyar
to get one's gruel - English → Magyar
to get in the neck - English → Magyar
to get off with sy - English → Magyar
difficult to get at - English → Magyar
to get even with sy - English → Magyar
to get a commission - English → Magyar
to get ready for sg - English → Magyar
to get a line on sg - English → Magyar
to get a grip on sg - English → Magyar
to get caught in sg - English → Magyar
to get down with sg - English → Magyar
to get on the knees - English → Magyar
to get a peep of sg - English → Magyar
get out of my hair! - English → Magyar
i could get no rest - English → Magyar
to get sy's back up - English → Magyar
to get around to sg - English → Magyar
to get on the train - English → Magyar
to get sg fugged up - English → Magyar
to get into trouble - English → Magyar
to get carried away - English → Magyar
to get unused to sg - English → Magyar
to get a good press - English → Magyar
to get one's living - English → Magyar
to get some coal in - English → Magyar
to get caught by sy - English → Magyar
to get at a witness - English → Magyar
to get, got, gotten - English → Magyar
to get into arrears - English → Magyar
to get done with sg - English → Magyar
to get an accession - English → Magyar
easy to get on with - English → Magyar
to get on a subject - English → Magyar
to get out of sight - English → Magyar
to get out of shape - English → Magyar
to get acclimatized - English → Magyar
get out of the way! - English → Magyar
to get down to work - English → Magyar
to get short shrift - English → Magyar
to get one's remove - English → Magyar
to get off to sleep - English → Magyar
to get one's own way - English → Magyar
to get one's deserts - English → Magyar
to get matey with sy - English → Magyar
he can't get over it - English → Magyar
to get off the train - English → Magyar
to get above oneself - English → Magyar
to get on without sy - English → Magyar
to get the play over - English → Magyar
to get one's company - English → Magyar
to get into the swim - English → Magyar
how can i get there? - English → Magyar
to get the breakfast - English → Magyar
to get under control - English → Magyar
to get on sy's works - English → Magyar
to get equal with sy - English → Magyar
Get the ball rolling - English → értelmezés
to get on without sg - English → Magyar
to get in touch with - English → Magyar
how did you get that - English → Magyar
to get along with sy - English → Magyar
to get one's stripes - English → Magyar
to get into a second - English → Magyar
to get the run of it - English → Magyar
to get a whiff of sg - English → Magyar
to get in sy's pants - English → Magyar
to get on one's feet - English → Magyar
to get out of a duty - English → Magyar
to get in one's road - English → Magyar
where can you get it - English → Magyar
to get sy on the run - English → Magyar
to get into a muddle - English → Magyar
to get down to facts - English → Magyar
to get a sight of sg - English → Magyar
to get under headway - English → Magyar
to get sg first shot - English → Magyar
to get into a pickle - English → Magyar
to get into mischief - English → Magyar
to get through to sy - English → Magyar
you soon get into it - English → Magyar
don't let it get you - English → Magyar
to get sy with child - English → Magyar
to get a new rig-out - English → Magyar
to get up the ladder - English → Magyar
to get nothing by it - English → Magyar
to get red with rage - English → Magyar
to get about the job - English → Magyar
to get to first base - English → Magyar
to get a third in sg - English → Magyar
to get to know of sg - English → Magyar
to get in one's hair - English → Magyar
to get the raspberry - English → Magyar
get me a cup of tea! - English → Magyar
to get out one's car - English → Magyar
to get to one's feet - English → Magyar
to get sg done by sy - English → Magyar
to get into bad ways - English → Magyar
to get out of control - English → Magyar
to get into evil ways - English → Magyar
to get the drop on sy - English → Magyar
to get on sy's nerves - English → Magyar
to get out of the way - English → Magyar
to get square with sy - English → Magyar
try to get some sleep - English → Magyar
to get sy downhearted - English → Magyar
to get a little sleep - English → Magyar
to get a prize for sg - English → Magyar
to get bitten over sy - English → Magyar
to get mixed up in sg - English → Magyar
to get the clue to sg - English → Magyar
to get a door to shut - English → Magyar
to get on ones nerves - English → Magyar
to get the best of sy - English → Magyar
to get it in the neck - English → Magyar
to get a satisfactory - English → Magyar
to get into sy's hair - English → Magyar
to get a bill through - English → Magyar
to get an opportunity - English → Magyar
to get in the harvest - English → Magyar
to get into a tantrum - English → Magyar
to get one's spunk up - English → Magyar
to get off the ground - English → Magyar
to get into the train - English → Magyar
to get up to mischief - English → Magyar
to get on to thin ice - English → Magyar
to get sy's shirt off - English → Magyar
to get to brass tacks - English → Magyar
to get one's quill up - English → Magyar
to get speech with sy - English → Magyar
to get one's bearings - English → Magyar
to get sy's shirt out - English → Magyar
to get wise to a fact - English → Magyar
to get sg on the bend - English → Magyar
to get oneself a name - English → Magyar
to get a good beating - English → Magyar
to get back to normal - English → Magyar
to get involved in sg - English → Magyar
to get sy's dander up - English → Magyar
to get the hang of it - English → Magyar
to get into hot water - English → Magyar
to get out of a train - English → Magyar
go and get the doctor! - English → Magyar
to get money out of sy - English → Magyar
to get the start of sy - English → Magyar
to get in some reading - English → Magyar
to get under sy's skin - English → Magyar
to get up to the nines - English → Magyar
how am i to get there? - English → Magyar
to get the worst of it - English → Magyar
to get the goods on sy - English → Magyar
to get the bulge on sy - English → Magyar
to get out one's tools - English → Magyar
to get a brownie point - English → Magyar
to get the knack of sg - English → Magyar
to get scared shitless - English → Magyar
to get sg across to sy - English → Magyar
to get sg off by heart - English → Magyar
to get lost eventually - English → Magyar
to get one's monkey up - English → Magyar
to get sy into trouble - English → Magyar
to get out of sy's way - English → Magyar
to get on well with sy - English → Magyar
to get off with a fine - English → Magyar
to get out of doing sg - English → Magyar
to get knowledge of sg - English → Magyar
to get the laugh of sy - English → Magyar
to get one's dander up - English → Magyar
to get sy out of a fix - English → Magyar
to get a good speed on - English → Magyar
to get round the world - English → Magyar
to get out of the rain - English → Magyar
to get down the ladder - English → Magyar
you get me wrong there - English → Magyar
to get on to a subject - English → Magyar
to get talking with sy - English → Magyar
to get into sy's pants - English → Magyar
to get over traditions - English → Magyar
to get one's rocks off - English → Magyar
to get a rise out of sy - English → Magyar
to get under one's skin - English → Magyar
to get over a bad habit - English → Magyar
to get on the bandwagon - English → Magyar
to get the better of sy - English → Magyar
to get one's commission - English → Magyar
to get into a bad habit - English → Magyar
to get into one's books - English → Magyar
to get a solution to sg - English → Magyar
to get sy out of a hole - English → Magyar
to get into bad company - English → Magyar
let's get it over with! - English → Magyar
to get the answer right - English → Magyar
to get one's arm broken - English → Magyar
to get one's palatinate - English → Magyar
to get a kick out of sg - English → Magyar
to get two things apart - English → Magyar
to get finished with sg - English → Magyar
to get to grips with sg - English → Magyar
to get out without loss - English → Magyar
to get sy up on his ears - English → Magyar
to get to know sy better - English → Magyar
to get hold of something - English → Magyar
i don't get your meaning - English → Magyar
to get sg into sy's head - English → Magyar
get down to brass tacks! - English → Magyar
to get one's thing at x. - English → Magyar
to get one's second wind - English → Magyar
to get down to the facts - English → Magyar
to get a fine view of sg - English → Magyar
to get up with the larks - English → Magyar
to get up from the table - English → Magyar
i tried to get in a word - English → Magyar
to get sy out of a habit - English → Magyar
to get inside sy's pants - English → Magyar
to get over one's losses - English → Magyar
to get oneself appointed - English → Magyar
to get up a subscription - English → Magyar
to get an electric shock - English → Magyar
to get nothing out of it - English → Magyar
to get a hamper from home - English → Magyar
to get out of one's skull - English → Magyar
to get a woman with child - English → Magyar
to get a blow on the head - English → Magyar
to get the windward of sy - English → Magyar
shit, or get off the pot! - English → Magyar
to get in a word edgeways - English → Magyar
to get a secret out of sy - English → Magyar
to get into one's strides - English → Magyar
to get an insight into sg - English → Magyar
to get round to everybody - English → Magyar
to get beyond one's depth - English → Magyar
to get sg into one's head - English → Magyar
to get to look very slack - English → Magyar
to get out of one's depth - English → Magyar
to get acquainted with sg - English → Magyar
to get a laught out of sg - English → Magyar
to get oneself into a fix - English → Magyar
get the fuck out of Dodge - English → Magyar
to get on with one's work - English → Magyar
to get a touch of the sun - English → Magyar
to get over one's shyness - English → Magyar
to get between the sheets - English → Magyar
to get down to one's work - English → Magyar
to get money on the cuffs - English → Magyar
to get off one's daughter - English → Magyar
to get pissed off with sg - English → Magyar
to get out of one's books - English → Magyar
thus you will get farther - English → Magyar
to get on to a side-track - English → Magyar
to get sy on to a subject - English → Magyar
to get about a great deal - English → Magyar
easy person to get on with - English → Magyar
to get into boorish habits - English → Magyar
to get down to one's knees - English → Magyar
to get on one's high horse - English → Magyar
to get over one's surprise - English → Magyar
if i can get it in in time - English → Magyar
to get a girl into trouble - English → Magyar
to get into favour with sy - English → Magyar
to get the breakfast ready - English → Magyar
to get out of a difficulty - English → Magyar
to get to the bottom of sg - English → Magyar
to get a nearer view of sg - English → Magyar
to get a good night's rest - English → Magyar
to get the mastery over sg - English → Magyar
to get down to brass tacks - English → Magyar
to get through the customs - English → Magyar
to get one's knife into sy - English → Magyar
to get one's claes into sy - English → Magyar
i don't quite get the idea - English → Magyar
to get no change out of sy - English → Magyar
to get right inside a part - English → Magyar
to get into a tight corner - English → Magyar
to get down on one's knees - English → Magyar
to get out a balance-sheet - English → Magyar
to get admission to swhere - English → Magyar
on your marks, get set, go! - English → Magyar
to get hot under the collar - English → Magyar
i couldn't get him to speak - English → Magyar
to get up on the wrong foot - English → Magyar
to get into sy's good books - English → Magyar
to get into churlish habits - English → Magyar
to get an inside view of sg - English → Magyar
to get into sy's good grace - English → Magyar
to tell sy where to get off - English → Magyar
to get sg out of one's head - English → Magyar
he will get on in the world - English → Magyar
shall we get there in time? - English → Magyar
to get one's face in a knot - English → Magyar
to get sg out of one's mind - English → Magyar
to get a touch of sunstroke - English → Magyar
to get there with both feet - English → Magyar
to get inside sy's knickers - English → Magyar
how much do you get a week? - English → Magyar
to get out of sy's clutches - English → Magyar
the play failed to get over - English → Magyar
to get into the habit of sg - English → Magyar
to get hauled over the coals - English → Magyar
you'll get yourself disliked - English → Magyar
to get the key into the lock - English → Magyar
i don't want it to get about - English → Magyar
What medication did you get? - English → Magyar
to get off with a whole skin - English → Magyar
get into the computer system - English → Magyar
that's what i want to get at - English → Magyar
to get in for a constituency - English → Magyar
to get ideas into one's head - English → Magyar
to get oneself up as a woman - English → Magyar
to get in through the window - English → Magyar
to get an article into shape - English → Magyar
to get one's rocks off on sg - English → Magyar
to get by on bread and water - English → Magyar
what kind of car should I get - English → Magyar
to get sg through the customs - English → Magyar
to get up the case against sy - English → Magyar
the play didn't really get me - English → Magyar
i can't get a word out of him - English → Magyar
i can't get it out of my head - English → Magyar
to get sy slant on a question - English → Magyar
to get a lot of milage out of - English → Magyar
you'll get yourself disliked! - English → Magyar
to get on the soft side of sy - English → Magyar
to get too big for one's shoes - English → Magyar
don't you wish you may get it! - English → Magyar
to get on like a house on fire - English → Magyar
to get the weather-gauge of sy - English → Magyar
when you get up in the morning - English → Magyar
come and get warm by the fire! - English → Magyar
i wonder what i can get for it - English → Magyar
i could not get through to him - English → Magyar
he could hardly get out a word - English → Magyar
to get admittance into a place - English → Magyar
to get over one's difficulties - English → Magyar
i have still 20 forints to get - English → Magyar
you can't get a rise out of sy - English → Magyar
to get on the blind side of sy - English → Magyar
to get an article into a paper - English → Magyar
to get too big for one's boots - English → Magyar
he must either do it or get out - English → Magyar
to get the juice out of a lemon - English → Magyar
to get one's foot on the ladder - English → Magyar
to get into the swing of things - English → Magyar
to get into the way of doing sg - English → Magyar
that sort of thing won't get by - English → Magyar
to get sy's slant on a question - English → Magyar
to get into the line of traffic - English → Magyar
it's not very hard to get on to - English → Magyar
i can't get anything out of him - English → Magyar
don't you think you may get it! - English → Magyar
you must either do it or get out - English → Magyar
to get off with a scratch or two - English → Magyar
get that notion out of your head - English → Magyar
you'll get your ears pinned back - English → Magyar
you cannot get a rise out of him - English → Magyar
to get to the root of the things - English → Magyar
to get out of the way of smoking - English → Magyar
to get more than sy bargained for - English → Magyar
to get at the roof of the trouble - English → Magyar
to get a man in to mend the table - English → Magyar
to get into the swing of the work - English → Magyar
to get out of the way of doing sg - English → Magyar
to get sy into a habit of doing sg - English → Magyar
i can't get it out of my head that - English → Magyar
lucky to get off with a whole skin - English → Magyar
to get the weather-gauge of a ship - English → Magyar
to get a bullet through the stomach - English → Magyar
I need to get to the bottom of this - English → Magyar
guts get spilled on the dance floor - English → Magyar
to get out of the habit of doing sg - English → Magyar
you can't get something for nothing - English → Magyar
i shall get up history for tomorrow - English → Magyar
to get out of bed on the wrong side - English → Magyar
how long does it take to get there? - English → Magyar
i cannot get a letting for the rooms - English → Magyar
people are beginning to get on to him - English → Magyar
that's what you get by talking too much - English → Magyar
it's the devil and all to get him do sg - English → Magyar
to get out of the bed on the wrong side - English → Magyar
to get hold of the wrong end of the stick - English → Magyar
at that rate we shan't get any dinner today - English → Magyar
Why do you want to go to the kitchen? To get the butter. - English → Magyar
Do you ever get cramps in your back and your hands start to shake? - English → Magyar

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